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21 March 2025

  • 10:2010:20, 21 March 2025 Frostiful:Ice Pane (hist | edit) [1,295 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Ice Pane | image = Frostiful Ice Pane Block.png | invimage = Frostiful Ice Pane.png | tntres = 0.5 | hardness = 0.5 | transparent = Yes | light = No | tool = Any | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes (64) | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} An '''ice pane''' is a transparent block that can be used in a window, like glass planes. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Ice panes can be obtained by breaking them with any t...")

20 March 2025

19 March 2025

  • 05:3305:33, 19 March 2025 Frostiful:Icicle (hist | edit) [6,120 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Icicle | image = Frostiful Icicle Full.png | invimage = Frostiful Icicle.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 0.5 | hardness = 0.5 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Icicles''' are a pointy unstable block that can form stalactites and stalagmites.")
  • 05:0905:09, 19 March 2025 Frostiful:Frozen Torch (hist | edit) [968 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Frozen Torch | image = Frostiful Frozen Torch Block.png | invimage = Frostiful Frozen Torch.png | tntres = 0 | hardness = 0 | transparent = Yes | light = No | tool = Any | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes (64) | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Frozen Torches''' are a non-light emitting variant of the torch. == Obtaining == Frozen torches can be obtained when any torch, including regular torches, Minecraft:So...")
  • 04:4704:47, 19 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Packed Ice Wall (hist | edit) [1,945 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Packed Ice Wall | image = Frostiful Cut Packed Ice Wall.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Yes | waterloggable = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Packed Ice Wall''' is a cut packed ice variant of a wall, which itself is a variant of packed ice. == Ob...")
  • 04:4304:43, 19 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Packed Ice Stairs (hist | edit) [1,976 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Blue Ice Stairs | image = Frostiful Cut Packed Ice Stairs.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Partial | waterloggable = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Blue Ice Stairs''' are a cut packed ice variant of stairs, which itself is a variant of [[Minecraft:Packed Ice|packed ice]...")

16 March 2025

  • 11:5511:55, 16 March 2025 Scorchful:Sun Hat (hist | edit) [1,335 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox item | group = Worn | 1-1 = Scorchful-Sun-Hat-Player.png | group = Inventory | 2-1 = Scorchful-Sun-Hat-Inventory.png | Environment Heat Resistance = 0.25 | renewable = Yes | stackable = No }}")
  • 11:2911:29, 16 March 2025 Scorchful:Water Skin (hist | edit) [1,577 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox item | title = Water Skin | group = Full | 1-1 = Scorchful-Water-Skin-Full.png | group2 = Empty | 2-1 = Scorchful-Water-Skin-Empty.png | rarity = Common | renewable = Yes | stackable = No }} A '''water skin''' is an item that can be used to hold multiple drinks of water in a single stack. == Obtaining == === Crafting === The water skin can be crafted from leather and an Minec...")

14 March 2025

  • 12:1412:14, 14 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Packed Ice Slab (hist | edit) [1,916 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Packed Ice Slab | image = Frostiful Cut Packed Ice Slab.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 0.75 | hardness = 0.75 | waterloggable = Yes | light = No | transparent = '''Double slab''': No '''Single slab''': Partial | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} A '''Cut Packed Ice Slab''' is a cut packed ice variant of a slab, which itself is a vari...")
  • 12:0412:04, 14 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Packed Ice (hist | edit) [1,797 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Packed Ice | image = Frostiful-Cut-Packed-Ice-Block.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 0.75 | hardness = 0.75 | light = No | transparent = No | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Packed Ice''' is a form of packed ice that has been cut and is used for building. Like packed ice, it is very slippery. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Cut packed ice can be m...")
  • 05:3805:38, 14 March 2025 Scorchful:Temperature System (hist | edit) [17,493 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page describes the temperature and environment related mechanics of overheating. Scorchful's temperature system was created using Thermoo, which you can find out more about here: {{Message box|title=TL;DR|text=You get hot from being outside during the day in the Overworld and from being close to the Lava Ocean in The Nether. Swimming in water and drinking water to sweat is how you cool down.}} == Overview == Scorchful expands o...")
  • 02:4202:42, 14 March 2025 Mod:Scorchful (hist | edit) [2,166 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox mod |title=Scorchful |author=TheDeathlyCow |latest_release=0.14.1 (2025-02-03) |initial_release=Public release: 0.1.0 (2024-02-28) |sources= |discord= |modrinth= |curseforge= |minecraft_version=Supported: 1.21.1 Available: 1.20.1, 1.20.4, 1.21-1.21.1 |modloader={{Fabric}},{{Quilt}} |image=Scorchful-Icon....")

13 March 2025

  • 05:2005:20, 13 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Blue Ice Wall (hist | edit) [1,955 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Blue Ice Wall | image = Frostiful-Cut-Blue-Ice-Wall.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Blue Ice Wall''' is a cut blue ice variant of a wall, which itself is a variant of blue ice. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Cut blu...")
  • 04:5404:54, 13 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Blue Ice Stairs (hist | edit) [1,987 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Blue Ice Stairs | image = Frostiful-Cut-Blue-Ice-Stairs.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Blue Ice Stairs''' are a cut blue ice variant of stairs, which itself is a variant of blue ice. == Obtaining == === Breaking ==...")
  • 04:4304:43, 13 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Blue Ice Slab (hist | edit) [1,932 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Blue Ice Slab | image = Frostiful-Cut-Blue-Ice-Slab.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} A '''Cut Blue Ice Slab''' is a cut blue ice variant of a slab, which itself is a variant of blue ice. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Cut b...")
  • 04:2604:26, 13 March 2025 Frostiful:Cut Blue Ice (hist | edit) [1,808 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Cut Blue Ice | image = Frostiful-Cut-Blue-Ice-Block.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Pickaxe | tntres = 2.8 | hardness = 2.8 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} '''Cut Blue Ice''' is a form of blue ice that has been cut and is used for building. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Cut blue ice can be mined with any tool, but a Minecraft:Pickaxe|picka...")

12 March 2025

  • 12:0312:03, 12 March 2025 Frostiful:Brittle Ice (hist | edit) [1,999 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox block | title = Brittle Ice | image = Frostiful-Brittle-Ice.png | renewable = Yes | stackable = Yes | maxStack = 64 | tool = Any (Pickaxe speeds up) | tntres = 0.5 | hardness = 0.5 | light = No | transparent = Yes | flammable = No | lavasusceptible = No }} Brittle Ice is a weak form of Ice that will break when stepped on. == Obtaining == === Breaking === Brittle Ice can be broken easily, but uses a Pickaxe as the pref...")
  • 11:4011:40, 12 March 2025 Frostiful:Weather (hist | edit) [3,091 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Frostiful adds a few new weather effects to snowy biomes. == Icicles == When it snows, Icicles will begin to randomly appear underneath overhangs, cave entrances, and other places with full-face block support near the surface of the world. These Icicles will grow by themselves over time. However, they grow much faster during rain, snow, and thunder storms. == Freezing wind == Freezing Wind is a new Weather effect that can e...")
  • 11:1511:15, 12 March 2025 Frostiful:Temperature System (hist | edit) [13,640 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page describes the temperature and environment related mechanics of freezing. Frostiful's temperature system was created using Thermoo, which you can find out more about here: '''TL;DR''': You get cold from being in dark and cold places, and you can warm up from being near block light sources. Being wet will also increase the speed at which you get colder. == Overview == Frostiful replaces and greatly expands upon the power snow...")
  • 09:2709:27, 12 March 2025 Mod:Frostiful (hist | edit) [3,293 bytes] TheDeathlyCow (talk | contribs) (Create Frostiful overview page) Tag: Visual edit: Switched

4 February 2025

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