Renewable |
Yes |
Stackable |
Yes (64) |
Tool |
Pickaxe |
Blast resistance |
0.5 |
Hardness |
0.5 |
Luminous |
No |
Transparent |
Yes |
Flammable |
No |
Catches fire from Lava |
No |
{ "title": "Icicle", "rows": [ { "field": "Yes", "label": "(link to minecraft:Renewable resource article, displayed as Renewable)" }, { "field": "Yes (64)", "label": "Stackable" }, { "field": "Pickaxe", "label": "Tool" }, { "field": "0.5(link to Category:Pages with overridden tntres article, displayed as Category:Pages with overridden tntres)", "label": "(link to minecraft:Explosion#Blast resistance article, displayed as Blast resistance)" }, { "field": "0.5(link to Category:Pages with overridden hardness article, displayed as Category:Pages with overridden hardness)", "label": "(link to minecraft:Breaking#Blocks by hardness article, displayed as Hardness)" }, { "field": "No", "label": "(link to minecraft:Light article, displayed as Luminous)" }, { "field": "Yes", "label": "(link to minecraft:Opacity article, displayed as Transparent)" }, { "field": "No", "label": "(link to minecraft:Flammable article, displayed as Flammable)" }, { "field": "No", "label": "Catches fire from [ Lava]" } ], "invimages": [ "Frostiful Icicle.png" ], "images": [ "Frostiful Icicle Stable.png", "Frostiful Icicle Unstable Still.png" ] }
Icicles are a pointy unstable block that can form stalactites and stalagmites. They are similar to pointed dripstone.
Icicles can be mined with any tool, but pickaxes are the fastest. Icicles break instantly when hit with any projectile.
Mob Loot
Biters will drop 0-2 icicles on death.
Natural Generation
Patches of Icicles will generate in caves and sometimes on the surface of snowy and icy biomes.

Stalactite Icicles will appear under any full face block near the surface when it is snowing.
Stalactite icicles have the ability to grow whenever any block in the chain receives a random tick. This chance increases when it is snowing, and increases even further when it is thundering.
Much like pointed dripstone, icicles comes in two different forms, stalactites and stalagmites. Placing an icicle between a stalagmite and stalactite without sneaking connects them. It can be waterlogged. Mobs can jump up icicles as long as its height does not exceed four blocks. Horses and other similar mobs can travel up the same pointed dripstone as if they were stairs.
Stalactites are created when an icicle is placed on the bottom of a block.
Icicle blocks in a stalactite have a chance of becoming unstable when randomly ticked. When this happens, any other icicles blocks below it in the chain will also become unstable. Unstable icicles will emit snow flake particles for between 40 and 80 ticks (2-4 seconds), before it will fall.
When an icicle stalactite falls, or if the block supporting a stalactite or any block of the stalactite is broken, all of the unsupported icicles below the broken block drops, causing damage to any player and mobs standing beneath it, similar to a falling anvil. The amount of damage is 6 health for each block of falling distance, after 2 blocks (e.g., a stalactite that falls 4 blocks deals 18 damage). The damage is capped at 40, no matter how far the stalactite falls. Wearing a helmet reduces the damage by 1⁄4, but this costs twice as much durability on the helmet as on other armor pieces. A stalactite will also apply 3000 points of freezing to any entity it hits. When a player dies by a stalactite falling on them, the death message "<player> was skewered by a falling icicle" appears. However, if a player is merely touched by a falling stalactite entity, no damage is dealt unless the stalactite hits the ground in the same block where the player is located. Stalactites with multiple icicles can cause multiple damage; however, damage immunity prevents most of the damage from additional blocks.
Stalagmites are created when an icicle is placed on the ground.
Falling onto stalagmites multiplies the fall distance by two to calculate the total amount of fall damage, using the formula ceil(fall_distance × 2 − 2)
. A player or mob gets 1 damage each time they jump on top of a single stalagmite (with a normal jump height of 1⁄4 blocks). The distance traveled during the last game tick of falling time is not included in this calculation, making it slightly off at higher distances; see fall damage for more information.
As with stalactites, falling on a stalagmite will freeze the victim for 3000 points.
If a player dies from falling onto a stalagmite, the death message "<player> was impaled on an icicle" appears.
All mobs that are immune to fall damage do not take damage from falling into stalagmites; the same applies to the player if the game rule fallDamage
is set to false
Icicles can be thrown, applying damage and freezing the first entity it hits. Throwing icicles has a cooldown of 10 ticks (0.5 seconds). After being thrown, they will stick in the ground temporarily until they despawn.
Crafting Ingredient
Ingredients | Crafting recipe |
Icicle |
Ingredients | Crafting recipe |
Icicle + Arrow |