Module:Inventory slot/Aliases

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Revision as of 00:20, 20 April 2020 by minecraft>MrJam003 (Moved Enchanted Book from yellowTooltips to animatedIconsYellowTooltips)
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This table defines the aliases used in Module:Inventory slot.

de:Modul:Inventar slot/Aliases es:Módulo:Inventory slot/Aliases fr:Module:Case inventaire/Alias ja:モジュール:Inventory slot/Aliases ko:모듈:Inventory slot/Aliases pt:Módulo:Inventory slot/Aliases ru:Модуль:Инвентарный слот/Псевдонимы uk:Модуль:Інвентарний слот/Псевдоніми zh:模块:Inventory slot/Aliases

local coloredDyes = {
	'Orange Dye', 'Magenta Dye', 'Light Blue Dye', 'Yellow Dye', 'Lime Dye',
	'Pink Dye', 'Gray Dye', 'Light Gray Dye', 'Cyan Dye', 'Purple Dye',
	'Blue Dye', 'Brown Dye', 'Green Dye',
	'Red Dye', 'Black Dye',
local aliases = {
	-- Common fuel types for furnace --
	['Any fuel'] = { 'Coal', 'Charcoal', { title = 'Log', name = 'Oak Log' }, { title = 'Wood Planks', name = 'Oak Planks' }, 'Block of Coal' },
	['Any leather armor'] = { 'Leather Cap', 'Leather Tunic', 'Leather Pants', 'Leather Boots' },
	['Any golden armor'] = { 'Golden Helmet', 'Golden Chestplate', 'Golden Leggings', 'Golden Boots' },
	['Any chainmail armor'] = { 'Chainmail Helmet', 'Chainmail Chestplate', 'Chainmail Leggings', 'Chainmail Boots' },
	['Any iron armor'] = { 'Iron Helmet', 'Iron Chestplate', 'Iron Leggings', 'Iron Boots' },
	['Any diamond armor'] = { 'Diamond Helmet', 'Diamond Chestplate', 'Diamond Leggings', 'Diamond Boots' },
	['Any netherite armor'] = { 'Netherite Helmet', 'Netherite Chestplate', 'Netherite Leggings', 'Netherite Boots' },
	-- Wood --
	['Any Log'] = { 'Oak Log', 'Spruce Log', 'Birch Log', 'Jungle Log', 'Acacia Log', 'Dark Oak Log', 'Crimson Stem', 'Warped Stem' },
	['Any Stripped Log'] = { 'Stripped Oak Log', 'Stripped Spruce Log', 'Stripped Birch Log', 'Stripped Jungle Log', 'Stripped Acacia Log', 'Stripped Dark Oak Log', 'Stripped Crimson Stem', 'Stripped Warped Stem' },
	['Any Wood'] = { 'Oak Wood', 'Spruce Wood', 'Birch Wood', 'Jungle Wood', 'Acacia Wood', 'Dark Oak Wood', 'Crimson Hyphae', 'Warped Hyphae' },
	['Any Stripped Wood'] = { 'Stripped Oak Wood', 'Stripped Spruce Wood', 'Stripped Birch Wood', 'Stripped Jungle Wood', 'Stripped Acacia Wood', 'Stripped Dark Oak Wood', 'Stripped Crimson Hyphae', 'Stripped Warped Hyphae' },
	['Any Overworld Log'] = { 'Oak Log', 'Spruce Log', 'Birch Log', 'Jungle Log', 'Acacia Log', 'Dark Oak Log' },
	['Any Overworld Stripped Log'] = { 'Stripped Oak Log', 'Stripped Spruce Log', 'Stripped Birch Log', 'Stripped Jungle Log', 'Stripped Acacia Log', 'Stripped Dark Oak Log' },
	['Any Overworld Wood'] = { 'Oak Wood', 'Spruce Wood', 'Birch Wood', 'Jungle Wood', 'Acacia Wood', 'Dark Oak Wood' },
	['Any Overworld Stripped Wood'] = { 'Stripped Oak Wood', 'Stripped Spruce Wood', 'Stripped Birch Wood', 'Stripped Jungle Wood', 'Stripped Acacia Wood', 'Stripped Dark Oak Wood' },
	['Any Sapling'] = { 'Oak Sapling', 'Spruce Sapling', 'Birch Sapling', 'Jungle Sapling', 'Acacia Sapling', 'Dark Oak Sapling' },
	['Any Planks'] = { 'Oak Planks', 'Spruce Planks', 'Birch Planks', 'Jungle Planks', 'Acacia Planks', 'Dark Oak Planks', 'Crimson Planks', 'Warped Planks' },
	['Any wood Stairs'] = { 'Oak Stairs', 'Spruce Stairs', 'Birch Stairs', 'Jungle Stairs', 'Acacia Stairs', 'Dark Oak Stairs', 'Crimson Stairs', 'Warped Stairs' },
	['Any wood Slab'] = { 'Oak Slab', 'Spruce Slab', 'Birch Slab', 'Jungle Slab', 'Acacia Slab', 'Dark Oak Slab', 'Crimson Slab', 'Warped Slab' },
	['Any wood Trapdoor'] = { 'Oak Trapdoor', 'Spruce Trapdoor', 'Birch Trapdoor', 'Jungle Trapdoor', 'Acacia Trapdoor', 'Dark Oak Trapdoor', 'Crimson Trapdoor', 'Warped Trapdoor' },
	['Any wood Button'] = { 'Oak Button', 'Spruce Button', 'Birch Button', 'Jungle Button', 'Acacia Button', 'Dark Oak Button', 'Crimson Button', 'Warped Button' },
	['Any wood Pressure Plate'] = { 'Oak Pressure Plate', 'Spruce Pressure Plate', 'Birch Pressure Plate', 'Jungle Pressure Plate', 'Acacia Pressure Plate', 'Dark Oak Pressure Plate', 'Crimson Pressure Plate', 'Warped Pressure Plate' },
	['Any wood Door'] = { 'Oak Door', 'Spruce Door', 'Birch Door', 'Jungle Door', 'Acacia Door', 'Dark Oak Door', 'Crimson Door', 'Warped Door' },
	['Any wood Fence'] = { 'Oak Fence', 'Spruce Fence', 'Birch Fence', 'Jungle Fence', 'Acacia Fence', 'Dark Oak Fence', 'Crimson Fence', 'Warped Fence' },
	['Any Fence Gate'] = { 'Oak Fence Gate', 'Spruce Fence Gate', 'Birch Fence Gate', 'Jungle Fence Gate', 'Acacia Fence Gate', 'Dark Oak Fence Gate', 'Crimson Fence Gate', 'Warped Fence Gate' },
	['Any Sign'] = { 'Oak Sign', 'Spruce Sign', 'Birch Sign', 'Jungle Sign', 'Acacia Sign', 'Dark Oak Sign', 'Crimson Sign', 'Warped Sign' },
	['Any Boat'] = { 'Oak Boat', 'Spruce Boat', 'Birch Boat', 'Jungle Boat', 'Acacia Boat', 'Dark Oak Boat' },

    -- stones --
	['Any Cobblestone or Blackstone'] = { 'Cobblestone', 'Blackstone' },
	-- Display names --
	['Broken Elytra'] = { title = '&eElytra', name = 'Broken Elytra' },
	['Clay (block)'] = { title = 'Clay', name = 'Clay (block)' }, --remove on Nether Update's release if bedrock also changes the item name
	['Clay (ball)'] = { title = 'Clay', name = 'Clay (ball)' }, --remove on Nether Update's release if bedrock also changes the item name
	['Banner Pattern Flower'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Flower Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Flower Charge'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Flower Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Creeper Charge'] = { title = '&eBanner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Creeper Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Creeper'] = { title = '&eBanner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Creeper Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Bordure Indented'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Bordure Indented'},
	['Banner Pattern Field Masoned'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Field Masoned'},
	['Banner Pattern Skull Charge'] = { title = '&eBanner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Skull Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Skull'] = { title = '&eBanner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Skull Charge'},
	['Banner Pattern Thing'] = { title = '&dBanner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Thing'},
	['Banner Pattern Globe'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Globe'},
	['Banner Pattern Piglin'] = { title = 'Banner Pattern', name = 'Banner Pattern', text = '&7Piglin'},
	['Button'] = { title = 'Button', name = 'Stone Button'},
	['Wooden Button'] = { title = 'Button', name = 'Oak Button'},
	['Arrow Loaded Crossbow'] = { title = 'Crossbow', name = 'Arrow Loaded Crossbow' },
	['Damaged Arrow Loaded Crossbow'] = { title = 'Crossbow', name = 'Damaged Arrow Loaded Crossbow' },
	['Firework Loaded Crossbow'] = { title = 'Crossbow', name = 'Firework Loaded Crossbow' },
	['Damaged Firework Loaded Crossbow'] = { title = 'Crossbow', name = 'Damaged Firework Loaded Crossbow' },
	['Illager Banner'] = { title = '&6&oIllager Banner', name = 'Illager Banner', text = 
		'&7Cyan Lozenge/&7Light Gray Base/&7Gray Pale/&7Light Gray Bordure/&7Black Fess/&7Light Gray Per Fess'},
	['Jigsaw Block'] = { title = '&dJigsaw Block', name = 'Jigsaw Block' },

	-- Weapons --
	['Trident'] = { name = 'Trident', text = '/&7 When in main hand:/ &2 1.1 Attack Speed/ &2 9 Attack Damage'},

	-- Bedrock and Education Edition display names --
	['Elytra Wings'] = { title = 'Elytra Wings', name = 'Elytra' },
	['Cooked Beef'] = { title = 'Cooked Beef', name = 'Steak' },
	['Map (no markers)'] = { title = 'Map', name = 'Map', text = 'Display Markers: &cNo' },
	['Locator Map'] = { title = 'Map', name = 'Map', text = 'Display Markers: &aYes' },

	-- Chemistry --
	['Lead (element)'] = { title = 'Lead', name = 'Lead (element)' },
	['Water (compound)'] = { title = 'Water', name = 'Water (compound)' },
	['Chloride'] = { 'Calcium Chloride', 'Cerium Chloride', 'Mercuric Chloride', 'Potassium Chloride', 'Tungsten Chloride' },
	['Sparkler'] = { 'Orange Sparkler', 'Blue Sparkler', 'Red Sparkler', 'Purple Sparkler', 'Green Sparkler' },
	['Matching Chloride'] = { 'Cerium Chloride', 'Mercuric Chloride', 'Potassium Chloride', 'Tungsten Chloride' },
	['Matching Colored Torch'] = { 'Blue Torch', 'Red Torch', 'Purple Torch', 'Green Torch' },
	['Matching Glow Stick'] = { 'White Glow Stick', 'Orange Glow Stick', 'Magenta Glow Stick', 'Light Blue Glow Stick',
		'Yellow Glow Stick', 'Lime Glow Stick', 'Pink Glow Stick', 'Gray Glow Stick', 'Cyan Glow Stick',
		'Purple Glow Stick', 'Blue Glow Stick', 'Brown Glow Stick', 'Green Glow Stick', 'Red Glow Stick' },

-- Tooltip colors --
local yellowTooltips = {
	'Creeper Head',
	'Damaged Elytra',
	'Dragon Head',
	'Dragon\'s Breath',
	'Heart of the Sea',
	'Player Head',
	'Skeleton Skull',
	'Totem of Undying',
	'Wither Skeleton Skull',
	'Zombie Head',
for _, name in ipairs( yellowTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&e', name = name }

local aquaTooltips = {
	'End Crystal',
	'Golden Apple',
for _, name in ipairs( aquaTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&b', name = name }

local lightPurpleTooltips = {
	'Dragon Egg',
	'Structure Block',
for _, name in ipairs( lightPurpleTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&d', name = name }

-- Animated icons --
local animatedIcons = {
	'Bubble Column',
	'Debug Stick',
	'Heat Block',
	'Magma Block',
	'Nether Portal',
	'Prismarine Slab',
	'Prismarine Stairs',
	'Prismarine Wall',
	'Sea Lantern',
	'Soul Fire',
	'Written Book'
for _, icon in ipairs( animatedIcons ) do
	aliases[icon] = icon .. '.gif'

-- Some things are both animated and yellow --
local animatedIconsYellowTooltips = {
	'Enchanted Book',
	'Nether Star',
	'Bottle o\' Enchanting',
for _, name in ipairs( animatedIconsYellowTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&e', name = name .. '.gif' }

-- Some things are both animated and aqua --
local animatedIconsAquaTooltips = {
for _, name in ipairs( animatedIconsAquaTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&b', name = name .. '.gif' }

-- Some things are both animated and purple --
local animatedIconsPurpleTooltips = {
	'Command Block',
	'Chain Command Block',
	'Repeating Command Block',
	'Enchanted Golden Apple',
for _, name in ipairs( animatedIconsPurpleTooltips ) do
	aliases[name] = { title = '&d', name = name .. '.gif' }

-- Tools and weapons --
local tools = {
	{'Wooden', 'Sword', 1.6, 4 },
	{'Stone', 'Sword', 1.6, 5 },
	{'Iron', 'Sword', 1.6, 6 },
	{'Golden', 'Sword', 1.6, 4 },
	{'Diamond', 'Sword', 1.6, 7 },
	{'Netherite', 'Sword', 1.6, 8 },
	{'Wooden', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 2 },
	{'Stone', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 3 },
	{'Iron', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 4 },
	{'Golden', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 2 },
	{'Diamond', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 5 },
	{'Netherite', 'Pickaxe', 1.2, 6 },
	{'Wooden', 'Axe', 0.8, 7 },
	{'Stone', 'Axe', 0.8, 9 },
	{'Iron', 'Axe', 0.9, 9 },
	{'Golden', 'Axe', 1, 7 },
	{'Diamond', 'Axe', 1, 9 },
	{'Netherite', 'Axe', 1, 9 },
	{'Wooden', 'Shovel', 1, 2.5 },
	{'Stone', 'Shovel', 1, 3.5 },
	{'Iron', 'Shovel', 1, 4.5 },
	{'Golden', 'Shovel', 1, 2.5 },
	{'Diamond', 'Shovel', 1, 5.5 },
	{'Netherite', 'Shovel', 1.6, 6.5 },
	{'Wooden', 'Hoe', 1, 1 },
	{'Stone', 'Hoe', 2, 1 },
	{'Iron', 'Hoe', 3, 1 },
	{'Golden', 'Hoe', 1, 1 },
	{'Diamond', 'Hoe', 4, 1 },
	{'Netherite', 'Hoe', 4, 1 }

local materialGroups = {}
local toolGroups = {}

for _, toolProps in ipairs( tools ) do
	local aliasName = toolProps[1] .. ' ' .. toolProps[2]
	aliases[aliasName] = { title = aliasName, name = aliasName, text = '/&7When in main hand:/ &2' .. toolProps[3] .. ' Attack Speed/ &2' .. toolProps[4] .. ' Attack Damage' }
	local materialGroup = toolProps[1]:lower();
	local toolGroup = toolProps[2]:lower();
	if toolProps[2] ~= 'Sword' then
		if materialGroups[materialGroup] == nil then materialGroups[materialGroup] = {} end
		table.insert( materialGroups[materialGroup], aliases[aliasName] )
	if toolGroups[toolGroup] == nil then toolGroups[toolGroup] = {} end
	table.insert( toolGroups[toolGroup], aliases[aliasName] )

for materialGroup, items in pairs( materialGroups ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. materialGroup .. ' tools'] = items

for toolGroup, items in pairs( toolGroups ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. toolGroup] = items

-- Lists of item variants --
local itemVariants = {
	['Dye'] = mw.clone( coloredDyes ),
	['Colored Dye'] = coloredDyes,
	['Dyed Wool'] = {
		'Orange Wool', 'Magenta Wool', 'Light Blue Wool', 'Yellow Wool', 'Lime Wool',
		'Pink Wool', 'Gray Wool', 'Light Gray Wool', 'Cyan Wool', 'Purple Wool',
		'Blue Wool', 'Brown Wool', 'Green Wool', 'Red Wool', 'Black Wool',
	['Dyed Bed'] = {
		'Orange Bed', 'Magenta Bed', 'Light Blue Bed', 'Yellow Bed', 'Lime Bed',
		'Pink Bed', 'Gray Bed', 'Light Gray Bed', 'Cyan Bed', 'Purple Bed',
		'Blue Bed', 'Brown Bed', 'Green Bed', 'Red Bed', 'Black Bed',
	['Dyed Carpet'] = {
		'Orange Carpet', 'Magenta Carpet', 'Light Blue Carpet', 'Yellow Carpet', 'Lime Carpet',
		'Pink Carpet', 'Gray Carpet', 'Light Gray Carpet', 'Cyan Carpet', 'Purple Carpet',
		'Blue Carpet', 'Brown Carpet', 'Green Carpet', 'Red Carpet', 'Black Carpet',
	['Dyed Terracotta'] = {
		'White Terracotta', 'Orange Terracotta', 'Magenta Terracotta', 'Light Blue Terracotta',
		'Yellow Terracotta', 'Lime Terracotta', 'Pink Terracotta', 'Gray Terracotta',
		'Light Gray Terracotta', 'Cyan Terracotta', 'Purple Terracotta', 'Blue Terracotta',
		'Brown Terracotta', 'Green Terracotta', 'Red Terracotta', 'Black Terracotta',
	['Flower'] = { 'Oxeye Daisy', 'Cornflower', 'Lily of the Valley', 'Wither Rose', 'Red Tulip', 'Orange Tulip', 'White Tulip', 'Pink Tulip', 'Azure Bluet', 'Allium', 'Blue Orchid', 'Poppy', 'Dandelion' },
	['Mushroom'] = { 'Red Mushroom', 'Brown Mushroom' },
	['Quartz Block'] = { 'Block of Quartz', 'Chiseled Quartz Block', 'Quartz Pillar' },
	['Red Sandstone'] = { 'Red Sandstone', 'Cut Red Sandstone', 'Chiseled Red Sandstone', 'Smooth Red Sandstone' },
	['Sandstone'] = { 'Sandstone', 'Cut Sandstone', 'Chiseled Sandstone', 'Smooth Sandstone' },
	['Stone Bricks'] = { 'Stone Bricks', 'Mossy Stone Bricks', 'Cracked Stone Bricks', 'Chiseled Stone Bricks' },
	['Stone Slab'] = { 'Stone Slab', 'Smooth Stone Slab', 'Cobblestone Slab', 'Mossy Cobblestone Slab', 'Stone Brick Slab', 'Mossy Stone Brick Slab', 'Andesite Slab', 'Polished Andesite Slab',
		'Diorite Slab', 'Polished Diorite Slab', 'Granite Slab', 'Polished Granite Slab', 'Sandstone Slab', 'Cut Sandstone Slab', 'Smooth Sandstone Slab', 'Red Sandstone Slab', 'Cut Red Sandstone Slab', 
		'Smooth Red Sandstone Slab', 'Brick Slab', 'Prismarine Slab', 'Prismarine Brick Slab', 'Dark Prismarine Slab', 'Nether Brick Slab', 'Red Nether Brick Slab', 'Quartz Slab', 
		'Smooth Quartz Slab', 'Purpur Slab', 'End Stone Brick Slab', 'Petrified Oak Slab', 'Blackstone Slab', 'Polished Blackstone Slab', 'Polished Blackstone Brick Slab' },
	['Stone Stairs'] = { 'Stone Stairs', 'Cobblestone Stairs', 'Mossy Cobblestone Stairs', 'Stone Brick Stairs', 'Mossy Stone Brick Stairs', 'Andesite Stairs', 'Polished Andesite Stairs', 
		'Diorite Stairs', 'Polished Diorite Stairs', 'Granite Stairs', 'Polished Granite Stairs', 'Sandstone Stairs', 'Smooth Sandstone Stairs', 'Red Sandstone Stairs', 'Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs', 
		'Brick Stairs', 'Prismarine Stairs', 'Prismarine Brick Stairs', 'Dark Prismarine Stairs', 'Nether Brick Stairs', 'Red Nether Brick Stairs', 'Quartz Stairs', 'Smooth Quartz Stairs', 'Purpur Stairs', 
		'End Stone Brick Stairs', 'Blackstone Stairs', 'Polished Blackstone Stairs', 'Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs' },
	['Purpur Block'] = { 'Purpur Block', 'Purpur Pillar' },
	['Stone'] = { 'Stone', 'Andesite', 'Granite', 'Diorite', 'Polished Andesite', 'Polished Granite', 'Polished Diorite' },
	['Tulip'] = { 'Red Tulip', 'Orange Tulip', 'White Tulip', 'Pink Tulip' },
	['Prismarine'] = { 'Prismarine', 'Prismarine Bricks', 'Dark Prismarine' },
	['Ore'] = { 'Coal Ore', 'Iron Ore', 'Gold Ore', 'Lapis Lazuli Ore', 'Redstone Ore', 'Emerald Ore', 'Diamond Ore', 'Nether Quartz Ore', 'Nether Gold Ore' },
	['Dead Coral Block'] = { 'Dead Tube Coral Block', 'Dead Brain Coral Block', 'Dead Bubble Coral Block', 'Dead Fire Coral Block', 'Dead Horn Coral Block' },
	['Coral Block'] = { 'Tube Coral Block', 'Brain Coral Block', 'Bubble Coral Block', 'Fire Coral Block', 'Horn Coral Block' },
	['Dead Coral'] = { 'Dead Tube Coral', 'Dead Brain Coral', 'Dead Bubble Coral', 'Dead Fire Coral', 'Dead Horn Coral' },
	['Dead Coral Fan'] = { 'Dead Tube Coral Fan', 'Dead Brain Coral Fan', 'Dead Bubble Coral Fan', 'Dead Fire Coral Fan', 'Dead Horn Coral Fan' },
	['Coral'] = { 'Tube Coral', 'Brain Coral', 'Bubble Coral', 'Fire Coral', 'Horn Coral' },
	['Coral Fan'] = { 'Tube Coral Fan', 'Brain Coral Fan', 'Bubble Coral Fan', 'Fire Coral Fan', 'Horn Coral Fan' },
	['Wall'] = { 'Cobblestone Wall', 'Mossy Cobblestone Wall', 'Stone Brick Wall', 'Mossy Stone Brick Wall', 'Andesite Wall', 'Diorite Wall', 'Granite Wall', 'Sandstone Wall', 
		'Red Sandstone Wall', 'Brick Wall', 'Prismarine Wall', 'Nether Brick Wall', 'Red Nether Brick Wall', 'End Stone Brick Wall', 'Blackstone Wall', 'Polished Blackstone Wall', 
		'Polished Blackstone Brick Wall' },
	['Torch'] = { 'Torch', 'Soul Fire Torch' },
	['Lantern'] = { 'Lantern', 'Soul Fire Lantern' },
	['Fungus'] = { 'Crimson Fungus', 'Warped Fungus' },
	['Roots'] = { 'Crimson Roots', 'Warped Roots' },
	['Nylium'] = { 'Crimson Nylium', 'Warped Nylium' },
	['Nether Planks'] = { 'Crimson Planks', 'Warped Planks' },
	['Stem'] = { 'Crimson Stem', 'Warped Stem' },
	['Stripped Stem'] = { 'Stripped Crimson Stem', 'Stripped Warped Stem' },
	['Hyphae'] = { 'Crimson Hyphae', 'Warped Hyphae' },
	['Stripped Hyphae'] = { 'Stripped Crimson Hyphae', 'Stripped Warped Hyphae' },
	['Nether Wood Button'] = { 'Crimson Button', 'Warped Button' },
	['Nether Wood Pressure Plate'] = { 'Crimson Pressure Plate', 'Warped Pressure Plate' },
	['Nether Wood Fence'] = { 'Crimson Fence', 'Warped Fence' },
	['Nether Wood Trapdoor'] = { 'Crimson Trapdoor', 'Warped Trapdoor' },
	['Nether Wood Fence Gate'] = { 'Crimson Fence Gate', 'Warped Fence Gate' },
	['Nether Wood Stairs'] = { 'Crimson Stairs', 'Warped Stairs' },
	['Nether Wood Door'] = { 'Crimson Door', 'Warped Door' },
	['Nether Wood Sign'] = { 'Crimson Sign', 'Warped Sign' },
	['Soul Sand'] = { 'Soul Sand', 'Soul Soil' },
	['Campfire'] = { 'Campfire', 'Soul Campfire' },
	['Blackstone'] = { 'Blackstone', 'Polished Blackstone', 'Chiseled Polished Blackstone', 'Polished Blackstone Bricks', 'Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks' },
	['Stone Button'] = { 'Stone Button', 'Polished Blackstone Button' },
	['Stone Pressure Plate'] = { 'Stone Pressure Plate', 'Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate' },
table.insert( itemVariants['Dye'], 1, 'White Dye' )
for aliasName, aliasItems in pairs( itemVariants ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. aliasName] = aliasItems
	aliases['Matching ' .. aliasName] = aliasItems

-- Discs --
local discs = { 
	{ '13',      'C418',                 },
	{ 'Cat',     'C418',       'cat'     },
	{ 'Blocks',  'C418',       'blocks'  },
	{ 'Chirp',   'C418',       'chirp'   },
	{ 'Far',     'C418',       'far'     },
	{ 'Mall',    'C418',       'mall'    },
	{ 'Mellohi', 'C418',       'mellohi' },
	{ 'Stal',    'C418',       'stal'    },
	{ 'Strad',   'C418',       'strad'   },
	{ 'Ward',    'C418',       'ward'    },
	{ '11',      'C418',                 },
	{ 'Wait',    'C418',       'wait'    },
	{ 'Pigstep', 'Lena Raine',           },
for _, disc in ipairs( discs ) do
	local name = 'Music Disc ' .. disc[1]
	local artist = disc[2]
	local trackname = disc[1]
	if disc[3] ~= nil then
		trackname = disc[3]
	aliases[name] = { title = '&bMusic Disc', name = name, text = '&7' .. artist .. ' - ' .. trackname }

-- Damaged armor, tools and weapons --
local damagedItems = {
	'Carrot on a Stick',
	'Chainmail Boots',
	'Chainmail Chestplate',
	'Chainmail Helmet',
	'Chainmail Leggings',
	'Diamond Axe',
	'Diamond Boots',
	'Diamond Chestplate',
	'Diamond Helmet',
	'Diamond Hoe',
	'Diamond Leggings',
	'Diamond Pickaxe',
	'Diamond Shovel',
	'Diamond Sword',
	'Fishing Rod',
	'Flint and Steel',
	'Golden Axe',
	'Golden Boots',
	'Golden Chestplate',
	'Golden Helmet',
	'Golden Hoe',
	'Golden Leggings',
	'Golden Pickaxe',
	'Golden Shovel',
	'Golden Sword',
	'Iron Axe',
	'Iron Boots',
	'Iron Chestplate',
	'Iron Helmet',
	'Iron Hoe',
	'Iron Leggings',
	'Iron Pickaxe',
	'Iron Shovel',
	'Iron Sword',
	'Leather Boots',
	'Leather Tunic',
	'Leather Cap',
	'Leather Pants',
	'Netherite Axe',
	'Netherite Boots',
	'Netherite Chestplate',
	'Netherite Helmet',
	'Netherite Hoe',
	'Netherite Leggings',
	'Netherite Pickaxe',
	'Netherite Shovel',
	'Netherite Sword',
	'Stone Axe',
	'Stone Hoe',
	'Stone Pickaxe',
	'Stone Shovel',
	'Stone Sword',
	'Wooden Axe',
	'Wooden Hoe',
	'Wooden Pickaxe',
	'Wooden Shovel',
	'Wooden Sword'
for _, item in ipairs( damagedItems ) do
	local name = 'Damaged ' .. item
	aliases[name] = { title = item, name = name }

-- Banners and colored items --
local patterns = {
	'Base Dexter Canton',
	'Base Gradient',
	'Base Indented',
	'Base Sinister Canton',
	'Bend Sinister',
	'Bordure Indented',
	'Chief Dexter Canton',
	'Chief Indented',
	'Chief Sinister Canton',
	'Creeper Charge',
	'Field Masoned',
	'Flower Charge',
	'Inverted Chevron',
	'Pale Dexter',
	'Pale Sinister',
	'Per Bend',
	'Per Bend Inverted',
	'Per Bend Sinister',
	'Per Bend Sinister Inverted',
	'Per Fess',
	'Per Fess Inverted',
	'Per Pale',
	'Per Pale Inverted',
	'Skull Charge'
local colors = {
	'Light Blue',
	'Light Gray',

-- Firework Stars --
local fireworkStar = {}
for _, color in ipairs( colors ) do
	local name = color .. ' Firework Star'
	aliases[name] = { title = 'Firework Star', name = name, text = '&7' .. color }
	table.insert( fireworkStar, aliases[name] )
	for _, pattern in ipairs( patterns ) do
		name = color .. ' ' .. pattern .. ' Banner'
		aliases[name] = { title = 'Banner', name = name, text = '&7' .. color .. ' ' .. pattern }
aliases['Any Firework Star'] = fireworkStar
aliases['Matching Firework Star'] = fireworkStar

-- Items that use the sixteen colors --
local coloredItems = {
	'Concrete Powder',
	'Glazed Terracotta',
	'Hardened $1 Stained Glass',
	'Hardened $1 Stained Glass Pane',
	'Shulker Box',
	'Stained Glass',
	'Stained Glass Pane',
for _, item in ipairs( coloredItems ) do
	local coloredItemAliases = {}
	local itemName = ''
	for _, color in ipairs( colors ) do
		if item:find( '%$1' ) then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, '%$1', color )
			itemName = color .. ' ' .. item
		table.insert( coloredItemAliases, itemName )
	item = item:gsub( '%$1 ', '')
	aliases['Any ' .. item] = coloredItemAliases
	aliases['Matching ' .. item] = coloredItemAliases
-- list of all potions with no effects
local noEffects = {
	'Water Bottle',
	'Awkward Potion',
	'Thick Potion',
	'Mundane Potion',
	'Uncraftable Potion',
	'Splash Water Bottle',
	'Awkward Splash Potion',
	'Thick Splash Potion',
	'Mundane Splash Potion',
	'Uncraftable Splash Potion',
	'Lingering Water Bottle',
	'Awkward Lingering Potion',
	'Thick Lingering Potion',
	'Mundane Lingering Potion',
	'Uncraftable Lingering Potion',
	'Tipped Arrow',
	'Arrow of Splashing',
	'Uncraftable Tipped Arrow',
for _, name in ipairs(noEffects) do
	aliases[name] = { name = name, text = '&7No effects' }

-- start these lists with the no effect items as names are not normal
local potionItems = {
	['Potion'] = {
		aliases['Water Bottle'],
		aliases['Awkward Potion'],
		aliases['Thick Potion'],
		aliases['Mundane Potion'],
	['Splash Potion'] = {
		aliases['Splash Water Bottle'],
		aliases['Awkward Splash Potion'],
		aliases['Thick Splash Potion'],
		aliases['Mundane Splash Potion'],
	['Lingering Potion'] = {
		aliases['Lingering Water Bottle'],
		aliases['Awkward Lingering Potion'],
		aliases['Thick Lingering Potion'],
		aliases['Mundane Lingering Potion'],
	['Tipped Arrow'] = {
		aliases['Arrow of Splashing'],
		aliases['Tipped Arrow'],
		aliases['Tipped Arrow'],
		aliases['Tipped Arrow'],

-- Potions --
local effects = {
	-- durations are in the order normal, extended, enhanced
	{name = 'Regeneration', effect = '&9Regeneration', enhanced = 'II',
		durations = { normal = { '0:45', '1:30', '0:22' }, lingering = { '0:11', '0:22', '0:05' }, arrow = { '0:05', '0:11', '0:02' }}},
	{ name = 'Swiftness', effect = '&9Speed', enhanced = 'II', 
		durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00', '1:30' }, lingering = { '0:45', '2:00', '0:22' }, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' }}},
	{ name = 'Fire Resistance', effect = '&9Fire Resistance', durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00' }, lingering = { '0:45', '2:00' }, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00' }}},
	{ name = 'Poison', effect = '&cPoison', enhanced = 'II', 
		durations = { normal = { '0:45', '1:30', '0:21' }, lingering = { '0:11', '0:22', '0:05' }, arrow = { '0:05', '0:11', '0:02' }}},
	{ name = 'Healing', effect = '&9Instant Health', enhanced = 'II' },
	{ name = 'Night Vision',    effect = '&9Night Vision',    durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00' }, lingering = { '0:45', '2:00' }, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00' }}},
	{ name = 'Weakness',        effect = '&cWeakness',        durations = { normal = { '1:30', '4:00' }, lingering = { '0:22', '1:00' }, arrow = { '0:11', '0:30' }}},
	{ name = 'Strength', effect = '&9Strength', enhanced = 'II', 
		durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00', '1:30'}, lingering = {'0:45', '2:00', '0:22'}, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' }}},
	{ name = 'Slowness', effect = '&cSlowness', enhanced = 'IV', 
		durations = { normal = { '1:30', '4:00', '0:20'}, lingering = {'0:22', '1:00', '0:05'}, arrow = { '0:11', '0:30', '0:02' }}},
	{ name = 'Leaping', effect = '&9Jump Boost', enhanced = 'II', 
		durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00', '1:30' }, lingering = {'0:45', '2:00', '0:22'}, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00', '0:11' }}},
	{ name = 'Harming', effect = '&cInstant Damage', enhanced = 'II' },
	{ name = 'Water Breathing', effect = '&9Water Breathing', durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00' }, lingering = { '0:45', '2:00' }, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00' }}},
	{ name = 'Invisibility',    effect = '&9Invisibility',    durations = { normal = { '3:00', '8:00' }, lingering = { '0:45', '2:00' }, arrow = { '0:22', '1:00' }}},
	{ name = 'Slow Falling',    effect = '&9Slow Falling',    durations = { normal = { '1:30', '4:00' }, lingering = { '0:22', '1:00' }, arrow = { '0:11', '0:30' }}},
	{ name = 'Luck',  effect = '&9Luck',   durations = { normal = { '5:00' }, lingering = { '1:15' }, arrow = { '0:37' }}},
	{ name = 'Decay', effect = '&cWither', durations = { normal = { '0:40' }, lingering = { '0:10' }, arrow = { '0:05' }}},
	{ name = 'the Turtle Master', text = '&cSlowness IV ($1)/&9Resistance III ($1)', enhanced = '&cSlowness VI ($1)/&9Resistance IV ($1)',
		durations = { normal = { '0:20', '0:40', '0:20' }, lingering = { '0:15', '0:45', '0:15' }, arrow = {  '0:07', '0:22', '0:07' }}}
local types = {
	{name = 'Potion',           durations = 'normal',    text = 'Potion of '},
	{name = 'Splash Potion',    durations = 'normal',    text = 'Splash Potion of '},
	{name = 'Lingering Potion', durations = 'lingering', text = 'Lingering Potion of '},
	{name = 'Tipped Arrow',     durations = 'arrow',     text = 'Arrow of '},

for _, effect in ipairs(effects) do
	for _, type in ipairs(types) do
		-- form name, it will be reused
		local name = type.text ..
		-- if we have durations, add times
		if effect.durations then
			local durations = effect.durations[type.durations]
			-- turtle master is weird, so just do a fancy string replacement
			if effect.text then
				aliases[name] = { name = name, text = string.gsub( effect.text, '%$1', durations[1] ) }
				aliases[name .. ' Extended'] = { name = name, text = string.gsub( effect.text, '%$1', durations[2] ) }
				aliases[name .. ' Enhanced'] = { name = name, text = string.gsub( effect.enhanced, '%$1', durations[3] ) }
				-- we always have normal
				aliases[name] = { name = name, text = string.format( '%s (%s)', effect.effect, durations[1] ) }
				-- ensure we have extended
				if durations[2] then
					aliases[name .. ' Extended'] = { name = name, text = string.format( '%s (%s)', effect.effect, durations[2] ) }
					-- and enhanced, currently there is nothing with a duration that can be extended but not enhanced
					if effect.enhanced then
						aliases[name .. ' Enhanced'] = { name = name, text = string.format( '%s %s (%s)', effect.effect, effect.enhanced, durations[3] ) }
			-- otherwise its just effect, currently every potion with no duration can be enhanced
			aliases[name] = { name = name, text = effect.effect}
			aliases[name .. ' Enhanced'] = { name = name, text = effect.effect .. ' ' .. effect.enhanced }
		-- add the base potion to the any list
		table.insert(potionItems[], aliases[name])

-- build the any lists
for item, potionAliases in pairs( potionItems ) do
	aliases['Any ' .. item] = potionAliases
	aliases['Matching ' .. item] = potionAliases

-- Wood --
local logs = {
	'Dark Oak',
local woodItems = {
	'Fence Gate',
	'wood Door',
	'wood Fence',
	'wood Button',
	'wood Pressure Plate',
	'wood Trapdoor',
	'wood Slab',
	'wood Stairs',
	'Stripped $1 Log',
	'Stripped $1 Wood',
	'Wood Planks',
	'Wood Slab',
	'Wood Stairs',

for _, item in ipairs( woodItems ) do
	local itemName = ''
	local woodAliases = {}
	for _, wood in ipairs( logs ) do
		if item:find('wood') then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, 'wood', wood )
		elseif item:find('%$1') then
			itemName = string.gsub( item, '%$1', wood )
			itemName = wood .. ' ' .. item
		table.insert( woodAliases, itemName )
	item = string.gsub( item, '%$1 ', '' )
	aliases['Matching ' .. item] = woodAliases

-- Bedrock Edition Items --
local editionItems = {
	BE = {
		'Bucket of Pufferfish',
		'Bucket of Tropical Fish',
		'Spawn Cat',
		'Cobblestone Wall',
		'Ender Chest',
		'Glass Pane',
		'Horn Coral Block',
		'Iron Bars',
		'Jigsaw Block',
		'Flowing Lava',
		'Minecart with Command Block',
		'Mossy Cobblestone Wall',
		'Oak Fence Gate',
		'Spawn Panda',
		'Rose Bush',
		'Honey Block',
		'Skeleton Skull',
		'Wither Skeleton Skull',
		'Zombie Head',
		'Creeper Head',
		'Dragon Head',
	LCE = {
		'Rose Bush',
for edition, items in pairs(editionItems) do
	for _, item in ipairs(items) do
		local name = item .. ' ' .. edition
		aliases[name] = { title = item, name = name }

-- Bedrock Light blocks
for level = 0, 15 do
aliases["Light Block " .. level] = {title = "Light Block", name = "Light Block " .. level}

return aliases