Module:Inventory slot/Aliases/Table

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Revision as of 05:33, 21 August 2015 by minecraft>Majr (Well it's not that slow, but the table is still ridiculously large. Doesn't seem worth having.)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Inventory slot/Aliases/Table/doc

local p = {}
p.table = function()
	local slot = require( [[Module:Inventory slot]] ).slot
	local aliases = mw.loadData( [[Module:Inventory slot/Aliases]] )
	local keys = {}
	for i in pairs( aliases ) do
		-- Skip the banner aliases (except "Any Banner"), as there are so
		-- many of them it causes the table to be excessively long
		if i == 'Any Banner' or not i:find( ' Banner$' ) then
			table.insert( keys, i )
	table.sort( keys )
	local tableRows = {
		' {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"',
		'! Alias !! class="collapse-button" | Output'
	for _, key in ipairs( keys ) do
		local alias = aliases[key]
		local displayCell = {}
		for name in mw.text.gsplit( alias, '%s*;%s*' ) do
			-- Aliases are disabled in output for accuracy
			-- (as sub-aliases aren't meant to work) and performance
			table.insert( displayCell, slot{ name, noalias = true } )
		table.insert( tableRows, '|<code>' .. key .. '</code>||' .. table.concat( displayCell ) )
	table.insert( tableRows, '|}' )
	return table.concat( tableRows, '\n|-\n' )
return p