Module:Blast resistance values: Difference between revisions

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m +target
Added basalt, nylium, fungi, roots, sprouts, and weeping vines
Line 91: Line 91:
['stainedclay'] = '21',
['stainedclay'] = '21',
['terracotta'] = '21',
['terracotta'] = '21',
['basalt'] = '21',

['cobweb'] = '20',
['cobweb'] = '20',
Line 161: Line 162:
['shroomlight'] = '5',
['shroomlight'] = '5',
['sign'] = '5',
['sign'] = '5',
['nylium'] = '5',

['blockofquartz'] = '4',
['blockofquartz'] = '4',
Line 294: Line 296:
['wheat'] = '0',
['wheat'] = '0',
['wheatseeds'] = '0',
['wheatseeds'] = '0',
['fungus'] = '0',
['roots'] = '0',
['sprouts'] = '0',
['weepingvines'] = '0',

['air'] = '0',
['air'] = '0',

Revision as of 22:52, 29 February 2020

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Blast resistance values/doc

return {
	['barrier'] = '18,000,004',
	['bedrock'] = '18,000,000',
	['commandblock'] = '18,000,000',
	['endgateway'] = '18,000,000',
	['endportal'] = '18,000,000',
	['endportalframe'] = '18,000,000',
	['invisiblebedrock'] = '18,000,000',
	['jigsawblock'] = '18,000,000',
	['structureblock'] = '18,000,000',

	['anvil'] = '6,000',
	['enchantingtable'] = '6,000',
	['glowingobsidian'] = '6,000',
	['obsidian'] = '6,000',
	['ancientdebris'] = '6,000',
	['blockofnetherite'] = '6,000',

	['enderchest'] = '3,000',

	['bubblecolumn'] = '500',
	['lava'] = '500',
	['water'] = '500',

	['dragonegg'] = '45',
	['endstone'] = '45',
	['endstonebricks'] = '45',
	['endstonewall'] = '45',
	['hardenedglass'] = '45',

	['andesite'] = '30',
	['blockofcoal'] = '30',
	['blockofdiamond'] = '30',
	['blockofemerald'] = '30',
	['blockofgold'] = '30',
	['blockofiron'] = '30',
	['blockofredstone'] = '30',
	['bricks'] = '30',
	['brickstairs'] = '30',
	['cobblestone'] = '30',
	['cobblestonedoubleslabs'] = '30',
	['cobblestoneslabs'] = '30',
	['cobblestonestairs'] = '30',
	['coralblock'] = '30',
	['darkprismarine'] = '30',
	['diorite'] = '30',
	['doubleslabs'] = '30',
	['granite'] = '30',
	['grindstone'] = '30',
	['ironbars'] = '30',
	['jukebox'] = '30',
	['mossycobblestone'] = '30',
	['mossstone'] = '30',
	['netherbricks'] = '30',
	['netherbrickfence'] = '30',
	['netherbrickstairs'] = '30',
	['netherreactorcore'] = '30',
	['prismarine'] = '30',
	['prismarinebrick'] = '30',
	['purpurblock'] = '30',
	['purpurdoubleslabs'] = '30',
	['purpurpillar'] = '30',
	['purpurslab'] = '30',
	['purpurstairs'] = '30',
	['quartzdoubleslabs'] = '30',
	['quartzslabs'] = '30',
	['rednetherbricks'] = '30',
	['sandstonedoubleslabs'] = '30',
	['sandstoneslabs'] = '30',
	['shulkerbox'] = '30',
	['slabs'] = '30',
	['smoothstone'] = '30',
	['stone'] = '30',
	['stonebricks'] = '30',
	['stonebrickstairs'] = '30',
	['stonedoubleslabs'] = '30',
	['stoneslabs'] = '30',
	['stonestairs'] = '30',
	['stonewall'] = '30',
	['woodendoubleslabs'] = '30',

	['bell'] = '25',
	['irondoor'] = '25',
	['irontrapdoor'] = '25',
	['spawner'] = '25',

	['hopper'] = '24',

	['hardenedclay'] = '21',
	['stainedclay'] = '21',
	['terracotta'] = '21',
	['basalt'] = '21',

	['cobweb'] = '20',

	['blastfurnace'] = '17.5',
	['dispenser'] = '17.5',
	['dropper'] = '17.5',
	['furnace'] = '17.5',
	['lantern'] = '17.5',
	['observer'] = '17.5',
	['smoker'] = '17.5',
	['stonecutter'] = '17.5',

	['beacon'] = '15',
	['coalore'] = '15',
	['cocoabeans'] = '15',
	['conduit'] = '15',
	['diamondore'] = '15',
	['emeraldore'] = '15',
	['fencegate'] = '15',
	['goldore'] = '15',
	['ironore'] = '15',
	['labtable'] = '15',
	['lapislazuliblock'] = '15',
	['lapislazuliore'] = '15',
	['netherquartzore'] = '15',
	['planks'] = '15',
	['redstoneore'] = '15',
	['woodendoor'] = '15',
	['woodfence'] = '15',
	['woodenslabs'] = '15',
	['woodenstairs'] = '15',
	['woodentrapdoor'] = '15',

	['blueice'] = '14',

	['barrel'] = '12.5',
	['cartographytable'] = '12.5',
	['chest'] = '12.5',
	['craftingtable'] = '12.5',
	['driedkelpblock'] = '12.5',
	['fletchingtable'] = '12.5',
	['lectern'] = '12.5',
	['loom'] = '12.5',
	['smithingtable'] = '12.5',
	['trappedchest'] = '12.5',

	['bark'] = '10',
	['boneblock'] = '10',
	['campfire']= '10',
	['cauldron'] = '10',
	['compoundcreator'] = '10',
	['log'] = '10',
	['wood'] = '10',

	['concrete'] = '9',

	['bookshelf'] = '7.5',

	['glazedterracotta'] = '7',

	['bamboo'] = '5',
	['banner'] = '5',
	['head'] = '5',
	['jackolantern'] = '5',
	['melon'] = '5',
	['mobhead'] = '5',
	['netherwartblock'] = '5',
	['pumpkin'] = '5',
	['shroomlight'] = '5',
	['sign'] = '5',
	['nylium'] = '5',

	['blockofquartz'] = '4',
	['noteblock'] = '4',
	['quartzstairs'] = '4',
	['redsandstone'] = '4',
	['redsandstonestairs'] = '4',
	['sandstone'] = '4',
	['sandstonestairs'] = '4',
	['sandstonewall'] = '4',
	['smoothquartz'] = '4',
	['smoothredsandstone'] = '4',
	['smoothsandstone'] = '4',
	['wool'] = '4',

	['infestedblock'] = '3.75',

	['activatorrail'] = '3.5',
	['detectorrail'] = '3.5',
	['poweredrail'] = '3.5',
	['rail'] = '3.5',

	['grasspath'] = '3.25',

	['beehive'] = '3',
	['clay'] = '3',
	['composter'] = '3',
	['farmland'] = '3',
	['grassblock'] = '3',
	['gravel'] = '3',
	['honeycombblock'] = '3',
	['sponge'] = '3',
	['wetsponge'] = '3',

	['brewingstand'] = '2.5',
	['button'] = '2.5',
	['cake'] = '2.5',
	['coarsedirt'] = '2.5',
	['concretepowder'] = '2.5',
	['dirt'] = '2.5',
	['frostedice'] = '2.5',
	['haybale'] = '2.5',
	['ice'] = '2.5',
	['lever'] = '2.5',
	['magmablock'] = '2.5',
	['mycelium'] = '2.5',
	['packedice'] = '2.5',
	['piston'] = '2.5',
	['pistonhead'] = '2.5',
	['podzol'] = '2.5',
	['pressureplate'] = '2.5',
	['sand'] = '2.5',
	['soulsand'] = '2.5',
	['soulsoil'] = '2.5',
	['stickypiston'] = '2.5',
	['target'] = '2.5',
	['turtleegg'] = '2.5',

	['cactus'] = '2',
	['chorusflower'] = '2',
	['chorusplant'] = '2',
	['ladder'] = '2',
	['netherrack'] = '2',

	['beenest'] = '1.5',
	['glass'] = '1.5',
	['glasspane'] = '1.5',
	['glowstone'] = '1.5',
	['redstonelamp'] = '1.5',
	['sealantern'] = '1.5',
	['stainedglass'] = '1.5',
	['stainedglasspane'] = '1.5',

	['bed'] = '1',
	['daylightdetector'] = '1',
	['leaves'] = '1',
	['mushroomblock'] = '1',
	['snowblock'] = '1',
	['vines'] = '1',

	['carpet'] = '0.5',
	['snow'] = '0.5',

	['beetroots'] = '0',
	['beetrootseeds'] = '0',
	['camerablock'] = '0',
	['carrots'] = '0',
	['carrot'] = '0',
	['coral'] = '0',
	['coralfan'] = '0',
	['deadbush'] = '0',
	['element'] = '0',
	['endrod'] = '0',
	['fire'] = '0',
	['flower'] = '0',
	['flowerpot'] = '0',
	['grass'] = '0',
	['kelp'] = '0',
	['honeyblock'] = '0',
	['lilypad'] = '0',
	['lockedchest'] = '0',
	['melonstem'] = '0',
	['melonseeds'] = '0',
	['movingpiston'] = '0',
	['mushroom'] = '0',
	['netherportal'] = '0',
	['netherwart'] = '0',
	['portal'] = '0',
	['potatoes'] = '0',
	['potato'] = '0',
	['pumpkinstem'] = '0',
	['pumpkinseeds'] = '0',
	['redstone'] = '0',
	['redstonecomparator'] = '0',
	['redstonedust'] = '0',
	['redstonerepeater'] = '0',
	['redstonetorch'] = '0',
	['reserved6'] = '0',
	['sapling'] = '0',
	['scaffolding'] = '0',
	['seagrass'] = '0',
	['seapickle'] = '0',
	['shrub'] = '0',
	['slimeblock'] = '0',
	['string'] = '0',
	['sugarcane'] = '0',
	['sweetberries'] = '0',
	['sweetberrybush'] = '0',
	['tallgrass'] = '0',
	['tnt'] = '0',
	['torch'] = '0',
	['tripwirehook'] = '0',
	['wheat'] = '0',
	['wheatseeds'] = '0',
	['fungus'] = '0',
	['roots'] = '0',
	['sprouts'] = '0',
	['weepingvines'] = '0',

	['air'] = '0',
	['structurevoid'] = '0',
	['technicalblocks'] = '0',