Module:Blast resistance values: Difference between revisions

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return {
return {
['barrier'] = '18,000,003',
['barrier'] = '3,600,000.8',
['bedrock'] = '18,000,000',
['leftover'] = '3,600,000.8',
['commandblock'] = '18,000,000',
['light block'] = '3,600,000.8',
['endportal'] = '18,000,000',
['endportalblock'] = '18,000,000',
['an ant'] = '3,600,000',
['endportalframe'] = '18,000,000',
['bedrock'] = '3,600,000',
['command block'] = '3,600,000',
['chain command block'] = '3,600,000',
['impulse command block'] = '3,600,000',
['repeating command block'] = '3,600,000',
['end gateway'] = '3,600,000',
['end portal'] = '3,600,000',
['end portal frame'] = '3,600,000',
['invisible bedrock'] = '3,600,000',
['jigsaw block'] = '3,600,000',
['structure block'] = '3,600,000',
['foundation block'] = '6000',
['information block'] = '6000',
['information sign'] = '6000',
['spawn block'] = '6000',
['teleport block'] = '6000',
['build allow block'] = '6000',
['build disallow block'] = '6000',
['border block'] = '6000',

['anvil'] = '6,000',
['quadruple compressed poisonous potato block'] = '1,312.2',
['obsidian'] = '6,000',
['enchantmenttable'] = '6,000',

['enderchest'] = '3,000',
['ancient debris'] = '1,200',
['anvil'] = '1,200',
['block of netherite'] = '1,200',
['crying obsidian'] = '1,200',
['enchanting table'] = '1,200',
['glowing obsidian'] = '1,200',
['obsidian'] = '1,200',
['pedestal'] = '1,200',
['reinforced deepslate'] = '1,200',
['respawn anchor'] = '1,200',
['swaggiest stairs ever'] = '1,200',

['water'] = 500,
['ender chest'] = '600',
['stillwater'] = 500,
['flowingwater'] = 500,
['block of corrupted potato peels'] = '500',
['lava'] = 500,
['stilllava'] = 500,
['triple compressed poisonous potato block'] = '145.8',

['endstone'] = 45,
['bubble column'] = '100',
['dragonegg'] = 45,
['charred baked potato bricks'] = '100',
['charred baked potato brick slab'] = '100',
['charred baked potato brick stairs'] = '100',
['charred baked potato brick wall'] = '100',
['lava'] = '100',
['water'] = '100',
['ominous trial spawner'] = '50',
['ominous vault'] = '50',
['trial spawner'] = '50',
['vault'] = '50',

['stone'] = 30,
['heavy core'] = '30',
['andesite'] = 30,
['usb charger'] = '30',
['diorite'] = 30,
['granite'] = 30,
['double compressed poisonous potato block'] = '16.2',
['stonebrick'] = 30,
['cobblestone'] = 30,
['blockofcoal'] = 30,
['coal'] = 30,
['blockofdiamond'] = 30,
['diamond'] = 30,
['blockofemerald'] = 30,
['emerald'] = 30,
['blockofgold'] = 30,
['goldblock'] = 30,
['blockofiron'] = 30,
['ironblock'] = 30,
['blockofredstone'] = 30,
['redstoneblock'] = 30,
['doubleslab'] = 30,
['stonedoubleslab'] = 30,
['cobblestonedoubleslab'] = 30,
['wooddoubleslab'] = 30,
['sandstonedoubleslab'] = 30,
['quartzdoubleslab'] = 30,
['slab'] = 30,
['stoneslab'] = 30,
['cobblestoneslab'] = 30,
['sandstoneslab'] = 30,
['quartzslab'] = 30,
['brick'] = 30,
['mossstone'] = 30,
['mosscobblestone'] = 30,
['cobblestonewall'] = 30,
['netherbrick'] = 30,
['netherbrickfence'] = 30,
['netherbrickstairs'] = 30,
['stonestairs'] = 30,
['cobblestonestairs'] = 30,
['brickstairs'] = 30,
['stonebrickstairs'] = 30,
['ironbars'] = 30,
['hardenedclay'] = 30,
['stainedclay'] = 30,
['prismarine'] = 30,
['darkprismarine'] = 30,
['prismarinebricks'] = 30,
['jukebox'] = 30,

['monsterspawner'] = 25,
['dragon egg'] = '9',
['irondoor'] = 25,
['end stone'] = '9',
['irontrapdoor'] = 25,
['end stone bricks'] = '9',
['end stone brick slab'] = '9',
['end stone brick stairs'] = '9',
['end stone brick wall'] = '9',
['hardened glass'] = '9',
['hardened stained glass'] = '9',

['cobweb'] = 20,
['andesite'] = '6',
['andesite slab'] = '6',
['andesite stairs'] = '6',
['andesite wall'] = '6',
['baked potato bricks'] = '6',
['baked potato brick slab'] = '6',
['baked potato brick stairs'] = '6',
['baked potato brick wall'] = '6',
['blackstone'] = '6',
['blackstone slab'] = '6',
['blackstone stairs'] = '6',
['blackstone wall'] = '6',
['block of amber'] = '6',
['block of coal'] = '6',
['block of copper'] = '6',
['block of diamond'] = '6',
['block of emerald'] = '6',
['block of gold'] = '6',
['block of iron'] = '6',
['block of raw copper'] = '6',
['block of raw gold'] = '6',
['block of raw iron'] = '6',
['block of redstone'] = '6',
['bricks'] = '6',
['brick slab'] = '6',
['brick stairs'] = '6',
['brick wall'] = '6',
['chain'] = '6',
['chiseled copper'] = '6',
['chiseled deepslate'] = '6',
['chiseled nether bricks'] = '6',
['chiseled polished blackstone'] = '6',
['chiseled stone bricks'] = '6',
['chiseled tuff'] = '6',
['chiseled tuff bricks'] = '6',
['cobbled deepslate'] = '6',
['cobbled deepslate slab'] = '6',
['cobbled deepslate stairs'] = '6',
['cobbled deepslate wall'] = '6',
['cobblestone'] = '6',
['cobblestone double slab'] = '6',
['cobblestone slab'] = '6',
['cobblestone stairs'] = '6',
['cobblestone wall'] = '6',
['copper bulb'] = '6',
['copper grate'] = '6',
['coral block'] = '6',
['dead coral block'] = '6',
['cracked deepslate bricks'] = '6',
['cracked deepslate tiles'] = '6',
['cracked nether bricks'] = '6',
['cracked polished blackstone bricks'] = '6',
['cracked stone bricks'] = '6',
['cut copper'] = '6',
['cut copper stairs'] = '6',
['cut copper slab'] = '6',
['cut red sandstone slab'] = '6',
['cut sandstone slab'] = '6',
['dark prismarine'] = '6',
['dark prismarine slab'] = '6',
['dark prismarine stairs'] = '6',
['deepslate'] = '6',
['deepslate bricks'] = '6',
['deepslate brick slab'] = '6',
['deepslate brick stairs'] = '6',
['deepslate brick wall'] = '6',
['deepslate tiles'] = '6',
['deepslate tile slab'] = '6',
['deepslate tile stairs'] = '6',
['deepslate tile wall'] = '6',
['diorite'] = '6',
['diorite slab'] = '6',
['diorite stairs'] = '6',
['diorite wall'] = '6',
['gilded blackstone'] = '6',
['granite'] = '6',
['granite slab'] = '6',
['granite stairs'] = '6',
['granite wall'] = '6',
['grindstone'] = '6',
['iron bars'] = '6',
['jukebox'] = '6',
['lightning rod'] = '6',
['mossy cobblestone'] = '6',
['mossy cobblestone slab'] = '6',
['mossy cobblestone stairs'] = '6',
['mossy cobblestone wall'] = '6',
['mossy stone bricks'] = '6',
['mossy stone brick slab'] = '6',
['mossy stone brick stairs'] = '6',
['mossy stone brick wall'] = '6',
['nether bricks'] = '6',
['nether brick fence'] = '6',
['nether brick slab'] = '6',
['nether brick stairs'] = '6',
['nether brick wall'] = '6',
['nether reactor core'] = '6',
['petrified oak slab'] = '6',
['polished andesite'] = '6',
['polished andesite slab'] = '6',
['polished andesite stairs'] = '6',
['polished blackstone'] = '6',
['polished blackstone bricks'] = '6',
['polished blackstone brick slab'] = '6',
['polished blackstone brick stairs'] = '6',
['polished blackstone brick wall'] = '6',
['polished blackstone slab'] = '6',
['polished blackstone stairs'] = '6',
['polished blackstone wall'] = '6',
['polished deepslate'] = '6',
['polished deepslate slab'] = '6',
['polished deepslate stairs'] = '6',
['polished deepslate wall'] = '6',
['polished diorite'] = '6',
['polished diorite slab'] = '6',
['polished diorite stairs'] = '6',
['polished granite'] = '6',
['polished granite slab'] = '6',
['polished granite stairs'] = '6',
['polished tuff'] = '6',
['polished tuff slab'] = '6',
['polished tuff stairs'] = '6',
['polished tuff wall'] = '6',
['potone'] = '6',
['potone slab'] = '6',
['potone stairs'] = '6',
['potone wall'] = '6',
['prismarine'] = '6',
['prismarine bricks'] = '6',
['prismarine brick slab'] = '6',
['prismarine brick stairs'] = '6',
['prismarine slab'] = '6',
['prismarine stairs'] = '6',
['prismarine wall'] = '6',
['purpur block'] = '6',
['purpur double slab'] = '6',
['purpur pillar'] = '6',
['purpur slab'] = '6',
['purpur stairs'] = '6',
['quartz double slab'] = '6',
['quartz slab'] = '6',
['red nether bricks'] = '6',
['red nether brick slab'] = '6',
['red nether brick stairs'] = '6',
['red nether brick wall'] = '6',
['red sandstone slab'] = '6',
['sandstone double slab'] = '6',
['sandstone slab'] = '6',
['smooth quartz block'] = '6',
['smooth quartz slab'] = '6',
['smooth quartz stairs'] = '6',
['smooth red sandstone'] = '6',
['smooth red sandstone slab'] = '6',
['smooth red sandstone stairs'] = '6',
['smooth sandstone'] = '6',
['smooth sandstone slab'] = '6',
['smooth sandstone stairs'] = '6',
['smooth stone'] = '6',
['smooth stone slab'] = '6',
['stone'] = '6',
['stone bricks'] = '6',
['stone brick slab'] = '6',
['stone brick stairs'] = '6',
['stone brick wall'] = '6',
['stone double slab'] = '6',
['stone slab'] = '6',
['stone stairs'] = '6',
['stone wall'] = '6',
['taterstone'] = '6',
['taterstone slab'] = '6',
['taterstone stairs'] = '6',
['taterstone wall'] = '6',
['tuff'] = '6',
['tuff bricks'] = '6',
['tuff brick slab'] = '6',
['tuff brick stairs'] = '6',
['tuff brick wall'] = '6',
['tuff slab'] = '6',
['tuff stairs'] = '6',
['tuff wall'] = '6',
['bell'] = '5',
['iron door'] = '5',
['iron trapdoor'] = '5',
['monster spawner'] = '5',

['dispenser'] = 17.5,
['hopper'] = '4.8',
['dropper'] = 17.5,
['furnace'] = 17.5,
['burningfurnace'] = 17.5,
['stonecutter'] = 17.5,

['coalore'] = 15,
['basalt'] = '4.2',
['diamondore'] = 15,
['colored terracotta'] = '4.2',
['emeraldore'] = 15,
['dyed terracotta'] = '4.2',
['goldore'] = 15,
['hardened clay'] = '4.2',
['ironore'] = 15,
['polished basalt'] = '4.2',
['lapislazuliblock'] = 15,
['smooth basalt'] = '4.2',
['lapislazuliore'] = 15,
['stained clay'] = '4.2',
['netherquartzore'] = 15,
['stained terracotta'] = '4.2',
['wooddoor'] = 15,
['terracotta'] = '4.2',
['woodplank'] = 15,
['woodslab'] = 15,
['woodstairs'] = 15,
['redstoneore'] = 15,
['glowingredstoneore'] = 15,
['fence'] = 15,
['woodfence'] = 15,
['fencegate'] = 15,
['cocoa'] = 15,
['cocoaplant'] = 15,
['trapdoor'] = 15,
['beacon'] = 15,
['hopper'] = 15,

['chest'] = 12.5,
['cobweb'] = '4',
['craftingtable'] = 12.5,
['trappedchest'] = 12.5,

['cauldron'] = 10,
['blast furnace'] = '3.5',
['wood'] = 10,
['crafter'] = '3.5',
['dispenser'] = '3.5',
['dropper'] = '3.5',
['furnace'] = '3.5',
['lantern'] = '3.5',
['lodestone'] = '3.5',
['poisonous potato cutter'] = '3.5',
['potato refinery'] = '3.5',
['smoker'] = '3.5',
['soul lantern'] = '3.5',
['stonecutter'] = '3.5',
['vicious potato'] = '3.5',

['bookshelf'] = 7.5,
['bamboo mosaic'] = '3',
['bamboo mosaic stairs'] = '3',
['bamboo mosaic slab'] = '3',
['beacon'] = '3',
['big brain'] = '3',
['block of lapis lazuli'] = '3',
['coal ore'] = '3',
['cocoa beans'] = '3',
['conduit'] = '3',
['copper door'] = '3',
['copper trapdoor'] = '3',
['copper ore'] = '3',
['deepslate coal ore'] = '3',
['deepslate copper ore'] = '3',
['deepslate diamond ore'] = '3',
['deepslate emerald ore'] = '3',
['deepslate gold ore'] = '3',
['deepslate iron ore'] = '3',
['deepslate lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
['deepslate poisonous potato ore'] = '3',
['deepslate redstone ore'] = '3',
['diamond ore'] = '3',
['emerald ore'] = '3',
['fence gate'] = '3',
['gold ore'] = '3',
['iron ore'] = '3',
['lab table'] = '3',
['lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
['mud brick slab'] = '3',
['mud brick stairs'] = '3',
['mud brick wall'] = '3',
['mud bricks'] = '3',
['nether gold ore'] = '3',
['nether quartz ore'] = '3',
['observer'] = '3',
['packed mud'] = '3',
['pickaxe block'] = '3',
['place block'] = '3',
['planks'] = '3',
['pointed dripstone'] = '3',
['poisonous potato ore'] = '3',
['potato battery'] = '3',
['potato bud'] = '3',
['potato door'] = '3',
['potato fence'] = '3',
['potato fence gate'] = '3',
['potato planks'] = '3',
['potato slab'] = '3',
['potato stairs'] = '3',
['potato trapdoor'] = '3',
['potone copper ore'] = '3',
['potone diamond ore'] = '3',
['potone gold ore'] = '3',
['potone iron ore'] = '3',
['potone lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
['potone redstone ore'] = '3',
['redstone ore'] = '3',
['sculk catalyst'] = '3',
['sculk shrieker'] = '3',
['wooden door'] = '3',
['wooden fence'] = '3',
['wooden slab'] = '3',
['wooden stairs'] = '3',
['wooden trapdoor'] = '3',

['sign'] = 5,
['blue ice'] = '2.8',
['banner'] = 5,
['pumpkin'] = 5,
['melon'] = 5,
['jackolantern'] = 5,
['head'] = 5,
['mobhead'] = 5,

['sandstone'] = 4,
['barrel'] = '2.5',
['sandstonestairs'] = 4,
['cartography table'] = '2.5',
['quartzstairs'] = 4,
['chest'] = '2.5',
['redsandstone'] = 4,
['crafting table'] = '2.5',
['noteblock'] = 4,
['dried kelp block'] = '2.5',
['wool'] = 4,
['fletching table'] = '2.5',
['blockofquartz'] = 4,
['golden chest'] = '2.5',
['blockofpillarquartz'] = 4,
['lectern'] = '2.5',
['blockofchiseledquartz'] = 4,
['loom'] = '2.5',
['quartz'] = 4,
['smithing table'] = '2.5',
['pillarquartz'] = 4,
['trapped chest'] = '2.5',
['chiseledquartz'] = 4,

['spawnegg'] = 3.75,
['bark'] = '2',
['monsteregg'] = 3.75,
['block of bamboo'] = '2',
['silverfish'] = 3.75,
['block of stripped bamboo'] = '2',
['hiddensilverfish'] = 3.75,
['bone block'] = '2',
['block97'] = 3.75,
['campfire'] = '2',
['cauldron'] = '2',
['colored shulker box'] = '2',
['compound creator'] = '2',
['copper sink'] = '2',
['dyed shulker box'] = '2',
['frying table'] = '2',
['hyphae'] = '2',
['log'] = '2',
['log/stem'] = '2',
['block of potato peels'] = '2',
['potato stem'] = '2',
['shulker box'] = '2',
['soul campfire'] = '2',
['stem'] = '2',
['stripped hyphae'] = '2',
['stripped log'] = '2',
['stripped log/stem'] = '2',
['stripped log/stripped stem'] = '2',
['stripped stem'] = '2',
['stripped wood'] = '2',
['stripped wood/hyphae'] = '2',
['stripped wood/stripped hyphae'] = '2',
['wood'] = '2',
['wood/hyphae'] = '2',

['poweredrail'] = 3.5,
['concrete'] = '1.8',
['detectorrail'] = 3.5,
['cursor'] = '1.8',
['activatorrail'] = 3.5,
['compressed poisonous potato block'] = '1.8',
['rail'] = 3.5,

['grassblock'] = 3,
['amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
['gravel'] = 3,
['amethyst cluster'] = '1.5',
['sponge'] = 3,
['block of amethyst'] = '1.5',
['wetsponge'] = 3,
['bookshelf'] = '1.5',
['farmland'] = 3,
['box of infinite books'] = '1.5',
['farming'] = 3,
['budding amethyst'] = '1.5',
['clay'] = 3,
['calibrated sculk sensor'] = '1.5',
['chiseled bookshelf'] = '1.5',
['large amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
['medium amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
['sculk sensor'] = '1.5',
['small amethyst bud'] = '1.5',

['dirt'] = 2.5,
['glazed terracotta'] = '1.4',
['podzol'] = 2.5,
['coarsedirt'] = 2.5,
['sand'] = 2.5,
['stickypiston'] = 2.5,
['piston'] = 2.5,
['block34'] = 2.5,
['pistonextension'] = 2.5,
['pistonarm'] = 2.5,
['lever'] = 2.5,
['pressureplate'] = 2.5,
['stonepressureplate'] = 2.5,
['woodpressureplate'] = 2.5,
['weightedpressureplate'] = 2.5,
['button'] = 2.5,
['woodbutton'] = 2.5,
['stonebutton'] = 2.5,
['mycelium'] = 2.5,
['ice'] = 2.5,
['packedice'] = 2.5,
['soulsand'] = 2.5,
['brewingstand'] = 2.5,
['haybale'] = 2.5,
['hayblock'] = 2.5,
['cake'] = 2.5,

['ladder'] = 2,
['bamboo'] = '1',
['cactus'] = 2,
['banner'] = '1',
['netherrack'] = 2,
['illager banner'] = '1',
['ominous banner'] = '1',
['carved pumpkin'] ='1',
['creeper head'] = '1',
['dragon head'] = '1',
['dripstone block'] = '1',
['expired baked potato bricks'] = '1',
['expired baked potato brick slab'] = '1',
['expired baked potato brick stairs'] = '1',
['expired baked potato brick wall'] = '1',
['hanging sign'] = '1',
['head'] = '1',
["jack o'lantern"] = '1',
['melon'] = '1',
['mob head'] = '1',
['nether wart block'] = '1',
['piglin head'] = '1',
['player head'] = '1',
['potato fruit'] = '1',
['potato hanging sign'] = '1',
['potato sign'] = '1',
['poisonous potato head block'] = '1',
['poisonous potato headpiece'] = '1',
['pumpkin'] = '1',
['resin ore'] = '1',
['shroomlight'] = '1',
['sign'] = '1',
['skeleton skull'] = '1',
['warped wart block'] = '1',
['wart block'] = '1',
['wither skeleton skull'] = '1',
['zombie head'] = '1',

['glass'] = 1.5,
['block of quartz'] = '0.8',
['glasspane'] = 1.5,
['chiseled quartz block'] = '0.8',
['stainedglass'] = 1.5,
['chiseled red sandstone'] = '0.8',
['stainedglasspane'] = 1.5,
['chiseled sandstone'] = '0.8',
['glowstone'] = 1.5,
['cut red sandstone'] = '0.8',
['sealantern'] = 1.5,
['cut sandstone'] = '0.8',
['redstonelamp'] = 1.5,
['note block'] = '0.8',
['pillar quartz block'] = '0.8',
['quartz bricks'] = '0.8',
['quartz pillar'] = '0.8',
['quartz stairs'] = '0.8',
['red sandstone'] = '0.8',
['red sandstone stairs'] = '0.8',
['red sandstone wall'] = '0.8',
['sandstone'] = '0.8',
['sandstone stairs'] = '0.8',
['sandstone wall'] = '0.8',
['wool'] = '0.8',

['leaves'] = 1,
['calcite'] = '0.75',
['bed'] = 1,
['infested block'] = '0.75',
['hugemushroom'] = 1,
['infested stone'] = '0.75',
['hugebrownmushroom'] = 1,
['infested cobblestone'] = '0.75',
['hugeredmushroom'] = 1,
['infested stone bricks'] = '0.75',
['mushroomblock'] = 1,
['infested mossy stone bricks'] = '0.75',
['brownmushroomblock'] = 1,
['infested chiseled stone bricks'] = '0.75',
['redmushroomblock'] = 1,
['infested cracked stone bricks'] = '0.75',
['vine'] = 1,
['infested deepslate'] = '0.75',
['snow'] = 1,
['daylightdetector'] = 1,
['daylightsensor'] = 1,

['carpet'] = 0.5,
['activator rail'] = '0.7',
['snowcover'] = 0.5,
['detector rail'] = '0.7',
['snowlayer'] = 0.5,
['mangrove roots'] = '0.7',
['muddy mangrove roots'] = '0.7',
['powered rail'] = '0.7',
['rail'] = '0.7',

['sapling'] = 0,
['dirt path'] = '0.65',
['tallgrass'] = 0,
['poison path'] = '0.65',
['grass'] = 0,
['deadbush'] = 0,
['deadshrub'] = 0,
['block36'] = 0,
['pistonmoving'] = 0,
['flower'] = 0,
['rose'] = 0,
['mushroom'] = 0,
['redmushroom'] = 0,
['brownmushroom'] = 0,
['pumpkinstem'] = 0,
['pumpkinseed'] = 0,
['melonstem'] = 0,
['melonseed'] = 0,
['lilypad'] = 0,
['tnt'] = 0,
['torch'] = 0,
['fire'] = 0,
['redstonedust'] = 0,
['redstonewire'] = 0,
['redstone'] = 0,
['redstonetorch'] = 0,
['repeater'] = 0,
['redstonerepeater'] = 0,
['activerepeater'] = 0,
['activeredstonerepeater'] = 0,
['lockedrepeater'] = 0,
['lockedredstonerepeater'] = 0,
['comparator'] = 0,
['redstonecomparator'] = 0,
['crop'] = 0,
['seedsitem'] = 0,
['seed'] = 0,
['wheat'] = 0,
['sugarcane'] = 0,
['netherwart'] = 0,
['portal'] = 0,
['netherportal'] = 0,
['tripwirehook'] = 0,
['tripwire'] = 0,
['string'] = 0,
['lockedchest'] = 0,
['flowerpot'] = 0,
['slimeblock'] = 0,
['carrot'] = 0,
['potato'] = 0,
['beetrootseed'] = 0,

['air'] = 0,
['beehive'] = '0.6',
['technicalblocks'] = 0,
['clay'] = '0.6',
['composter'] = '0.6',
['corrupted peelgrass block'] = '0.6',
['farmland'] = '0.6',
['grass block'] = '0.6',
['gravel'] = '0.6',
['gravtater'] = '0.6',
['honeycomb block'] = '0.6',
['mycelium'] = '0.6',
['peelgrass block'] = '0.6',
['poison farmland'] = '0.6',
['sponge'] = '0.6',
['wet sponge'] = '0.6',

['flowinglava'] = 0,
['brewing stand'] = '0.5',
['button'] = '0.5',
['cake'] = '0.5',
['coarse dirt'] = '0.5',
['concrete powder'] = '0.5',
['dirt'] = '0.5',
['floatater'] = '0.5',
['frosted ice'] = '0.5',
['hay bale'] = '0.5',
['heavy weighted pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['ice'] = '0.5',
['lever'] = '0.5',
['light weighted pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['magma block'] = '0.5',
['mud'] = '0.5',
['packed ice'] = '0.5',
['piston'] = '0.5',
['piston head'] = '0.5',
['podzol'] = '0.5',
['polished blackstone button'] = '0.5',
['polished blackstone pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['potato button'] = '0.5',
['potato pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['red sand'] = '0.5',
['rooted dirt'] = '0.5',
['sand'] = '0.5',
['sniffer egg'] = '0.5',
['soul sand'] = '0.5',
['soul soil'] = '0.5',
['sticky piston'] = '0.5',
['stone button'] = '0.5',
['stone pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['target'] = '0.5',
['terre de pomme'] = '0.5',
['turtle egg'] = '0.5',
['wooden button'] = '0.5',
['wooden pressure plate'] = '0.5',
['cactus'] = '0.4',
['chorus flower'] = '0.4',
['chorus plant'] = '0.4',
['crimson nylium'] = '0.4',
['ladder'] = '0.4',
['netherrack'] = '0.4',
['nylium'] = '0.4',
['powerful potato'] = '0.4',
['strong roots'] = '0.4',
['warped nylium'] = '0.4',
['weak roots'] = '0.4',
['bee nest'] = '0.3',
['copper spleaves'] = '0.3',
['floatato'] = '0.3',
['froglight'] = '0.3',
['ochre froglight'] = '0.3',
['pearlescent froglight'] = '0.3',
['verdant froglight'] = '0.3',
['glass'] = '0.3',
['glass pane'] = '0.3',
['glowstone'] = '0.3',
['redstone lamp'] = '0.3',
['sea lantern'] = '0.3',
['stained glass'] = '0.3',
['stained glass pane'] = '0.3',
['tinted glass'] = '0.3',
['how did we get here? (block)'] = '0.25',
['powder snow'] = '0.25',
['suspicious block'] = '0.25',
['suspicious gravel'] = '0.25',
['suspicious sand'] = '0.25',
['bed'] = '0.2',
['daylight detector'] = '0.2',
['glow lichen'] = '0.2',
['grass carried'] = '0.2',
['leaves'] = '0.2',
['leaves carried'] = '0.2',
['mushroom block'] = '0.2',
['poisonous potato block'] = '0.2',
['potato leaves'] = '0.2',
['potato pedicule'] = '0.2',
['sculk'] = '0.2',
['sculk vein'] = '0.2',
['snow block'] = '0.2',
['vines'] = '0.2',
['big dripleaf'] = '0.1',
['big dripleaf stem'] = '0.1',
['candle'] = '0.1',
['cheese'] = '0.1',
['colored candle'] = '0.1',
['dyed candle'] = '0.1',
['carpet'] = '0.1',
['moss block'] = '0.1',
['moss carpet'] = '0.1',
['poisonous mashed potato'] = '0.1',
['snow'] = '0.1',
['air'] = '0',
['allium'] = '0',
['azalea'] = '0',
['azure bluet'] = '0',
['beetroot seeds'] = '0',
['beetroot'] = '0',
['blue orchid'] = '0',
['camera block'] = '0',
['carrot'] = '0',
['cave vines body'] = '0',
['cave vines head'] = '0',
['cave vines'] = '0',
['colored torch'] = '0',
['cornflower'] = '0',
['coral fan'] = '0',
['coral'] = '0',
['crimson roots'] = '0',
['dead coral fan'] = '0',
['dead coral'] = '0',
['dandelion'] = '0',
['dead bush'] = '0',
['decorated pot'] = '0',
['element'] = '0',
['end rod'] = '0',
['etho slab'] = '0',
['fire'] = '0',
['flower pot'] = '0',
['flower'] = '0',
['flowering azalea'] = '0',
['frogspawn'] = '0',
['fungus'] = '0',
['funky portal'] = '0',
['glow berries'] = '0',
['fern'] = '0',
['grass'] = '0',
['short grass'] = '0',
['green shrub'] = '0',
['hanging roots'] = '0',
['honey block'] = '0',
['info update'] = '0',
['info update2'] = '0',
['kelp'] = '0',
['large fern'] = '0',
['lava spawner'] = '0',
['lilac'] = '0',
['lily of the valley'] = '0',
['lily pad'] = '0',
['locked chest'] = '0',
['mangrove propagule'] = '0',
['melon seeds'] = '0',
['melon stem'] = '0',
['moving piston'] = '0',
['mushroom'] = '0',
['nether sprouts'] = '0',
['nether wart'] = '0',
['orange tulip'] = '0',
['other portal'] = '0',
['oxeye daisy'] = '0',
['packed air'] = '0',
['peony'] = '0',
['pink petals'] = '0',
['pink tulip'] = '0',
['pitcher plant'] = '0',
['pitcher pod'] = '0',
['poppy'] = '0',
['portal'] = '0',
['potato'] = '0',
['potatoes'] = '0',
['potato flower'] = '0',
['potato sprouts'] = '0',
['pumpkin seeds'] = '0',
['pumpkin stem'] = '0',
['red tulip'] = '0',
['redstone comparator'] = '0',
['redstone dust'] = '0',
['redstone repeater'] = '0',
['redstone torch'] = '0',
['redstone'] = '0',
['reserved6'] = '0',
['roots'] = '0',
['rose bush'] = '0',
['sapling'] = '0',
['scaffolding'] = '0',
['sea pickle'] = '0',
['seagrass'] = '0',
['shrub'] = '0',
['slime block'] = '0',
['small dripleaf'] = '0',
['soul fire'] = '0',
['soul torch'] = '0',
['spore blossom'] = '0',
['string'] = '0',
['structure void'] = '0',
['sugar cane'] = '0',
['sunflower'] = '0',
['sweet berries'] = '0',
['sweet berry bush'] = '0',
['tall grass'] = '0',
['technical blocks'] = '0',
['tnt'] = '0',
['torch'] = '0',
['torch (burnt-out)'] = '0',
['torchflower seeds'] = '0',
['torchflower'] = '0',
['tripwire hook'] = '0',
['tulip'] = '0',
['twisting vines'] = '0',
['underwater torch'] = '0',
['underwater tnt'] = '0',
['unknown'] = '0',
['warped roots'] = '0',
['water spawner'] = '0',
['weeping vines'] = '0',
['wheat seeds'] = '0',
['wheat'] = '0',
['white tulip'] = '0',
['wither rose'] = '0',
['nether portal'] = '-1',
['potato portal'] = '-1',

Latest revision as of 11:49, 16 April 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Blast resistance values/doc

return {
	['barrier'] = '3,600,000.8',
	['leftover'] = '3,600,000.8',
	['light block'] = '3,600,000.8',
	['an ant'] = '3,600,000',
	['bedrock'] = '3,600,000',
	['command block'] = '3,600,000',
	['chain command block'] = '3,600,000',
	['impulse command block'] = '3,600,000',
	['repeating command block'] = '3,600,000',
	['end gateway'] = '3,600,000',
	['end portal'] = '3,600,000',
	['end portal frame'] = '3,600,000',
	['invisible bedrock'] = '3,600,000',
	['jigsaw block'] = '3,600,000',
	['structure block'] = '3,600,000',
	['foundation block'] = '6000',
	['information block'] = '6000',
	['information sign'] = '6000',
	['spawn block'] = '6000',
	['teleport block'] = '6000',
	['build allow block'] = '6000',
	['build disallow block'] = '6000',
	['border block'] = '6000',

	['quadruple compressed poisonous potato block'] = '1,312.2',

	['ancient debris'] = '1,200',
	['anvil'] = '1,200',
	['block of netherite'] = '1,200',
	['crying obsidian'] = '1,200',
	['enchanting table'] = '1,200',
	['glowing obsidian'] = '1,200',
	['obsidian'] = '1,200',
	['pedestal'] = '1,200',
	['reinforced deepslate'] = '1,200',
	['respawn anchor'] = '1,200',
	['swaggiest stairs ever'] = '1,200',

	['ender chest'] = '600',
	['block of corrupted potato peels'] = '500',
	['triple compressed poisonous potato block'] = '145.8',

	['bubble column'] = '100',
	['charred baked potato bricks'] = '100',
	['charred baked potato brick slab'] = '100',
	['charred baked potato brick stairs'] = '100',
	['charred baked potato brick wall'] = '100',
	['lava'] = '100',
	['water'] = '100',
	['ominous trial spawner'] = '50',
	['ominous vault'] = '50',
	['trial spawner'] = '50',
	['vault'] = '50',

	['heavy core'] = '30',	
	['usb charger'] = '30',
	['double compressed poisonous potato block'] = '16.2',

	['dragon egg'] = '9',
	['end stone'] = '9',
	['end stone bricks'] = '9',
	['end stone brick slab'] = '9',
	['end stone brick stairs'] = '9',
	['end stone brick wall'] = '9',
	['hardened glass'] = '9',
	['hardened stained glass'] = '9',

	['andesite'] = '6',
	['andesite slab'] = '6',
	['andesite stairs'] = '6',
	['andesite wall'] = '6',
	['baked potato bricks'] = '6',
	['baked potato brick slab'] = '6',
	['baked potato brick stairs'] = '6',
	['baked potato brick wall'] = '6',
	['blackstone'] = '6',
	['blackstone slab'] = '6',
	['blackstone stairs'] = '6',
	['blackstone wall'] = '6',
	['block of amber'] = '6',
	['block of coal'] = '6',
	['block of copper'] = '6',
	['block of diamond'] = '6',
	['block of emerald'] = '6',
	['block of gold'] = '6',
	['block of iron'] = '6',
	['block of raw copper'] = '6',
	['block of raw gold'] = '6',
	['block of raw iron'] = '6',
	['block of redstone'] = '6',
	['bricks'] = '6',
	['brick slab'] = '6',
	['brick stairs'] = '6',
	['brick wall'] = '6',
	['chain'] = '6',
	['chiseled copper'] = '6',
	['chiseled deepslate'] = '6',
	['chiseled nether bricks'] = '6',
	['chiseled polished blackstone'] = '6',
	['chiseled stone bricks'] = '6',
	['chiseled tuff'] = '6',
	['chiseled tuff bricks'] = '6',
	['cobbled deepslate'] = '6',
	['cobbled deepslate slab'] = '6',
	['cobbled deepslate stairs'] = '6',
	['cobbled deepslate wall'] = '6',
	['cobblestone'] = '6',
	['cobblestone double slab'] = '6',
	['cobblestone slab'] = '6',
	['cobblestone stairs'] = '6',
	['cobblestone wall'] = '6',
	['copper bulb'] = '6',
	['copper grate'] = '6',
	['coral block'] = '6',
	['dead coral block'] = '6',
	['cracked deepslate bricks'] = '6',
	['cracked deepslate tiles'] = '6',
	['cracked nether bricks'] = '6',
	['cracked polished blackstone bricks'] = '6',
	['cracked stone bricks'] = '6',
	['cut copper'] = '6',
	['cut copper stairs'] = '6',
	['cut copper slab'] = '6',
	['cut red sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['cut sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['dark prismarine'] = '6',
	['dark prismarine slab'] = '6',
	['dark prismarine stairs'] = '6',
	['deepslate'] = '6',
	['deepslate bricks'] = '6',
	['deepslate brick slab'] = '6',
	['deepslate brick stairs'] = '6',
	['deepslate brick wall'] = '6',
	['deepslate tiles'] = '6',
	['deepslate tile slab'] = '6',
	['deepslate tile stairs'] = '6',
	['deepslate tile wall'] = '6',
	['diorite'] = '6',
	['diorite slab'] = '6',
	['diorite stairs'] = '6',
	['diorite wall'] = '6',
	['gilded blackstone'] = '6',
	['granite'] = '6',
	['granite slab'] = '6',
	['granite stairs'] = '6',
	['granite wall'] = '6',
	['grindstone'] = '6',
	['iron bars'] = '6',
	['jukebox'] = '6',
	['lightning rod'] = '6',
	['mossy cobblestone'] = '6',
	['mossy cobblestone slab'] = '6',
	['mossy cobblestone stairs'] = '6',
	['mossy cobblestone wall'] = '6',
	['mossy stone bricks'] = '6',
	['mossy stone brick slab'] = '6',
	['mossy stone brick stairs'] = '6',
	['mossy stone brick wall'] = '6',
	['nether bricks'] = '6',
	['nether brick fence'] = '6',
	['nether brick slab'] = '6',
	['nether brick stairs'] = '6',
	['nether brick wall'] = '6',
	['nether reactor core'] = '6',
	['petrified oak slab'] = '6',
	['polished andesite'] = '6',
	['polished andesite slab'] = '6',
	['polished andesite stairs'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone bricks'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone brick slab'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone brick stairs'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone brick wall'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone slab'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone stairs'] = '6',
	['polished blackstone wall'] = '6',
	['polished deepslate'] = '6',
	['polished deepslate slab'] = '6',
	['polished deepslate stairs'] = '6',
	['polished deepslate wall'] = '6',
	['polished diorite'] = '6',
	['polished diorite slab'] = '6',
	['polished diorite stairs'] = '6',
	['polished granite'] = '6',
	['polished granite slab'] = '6',
	['polished granite stairs'] = '6',
	['polished tuff'] = '6',
	['polished tuff slab'] = '6',
	['polished tuff stairs'] = '6',
	['polished tuff wall'] = '6',
	['potone'] = '6',
	['potone slab'] = '6',
	['potone stairs'] = '6',
	['potone wall'] = '6',
	['prismarine'] = '6',
	['prismarine bricks'] = '6',
	['prismarine brick slab'] = '6',
	['prismarine brick stairs'] = '6',
	['prismarine slab'] = '6',
	['prismarine stairs'] = '6',
	['prismarine wall'] = '6',
	['purpur block'] = '6',
	['purpur double slab'] = '6',
	['purpur pillar'] = '6',
	['purpur slab'] = '6',
	['purpur stairs'] = '6',
	['quartz double slab'] = '6',
	['quartz slab'] = '6',
	['red nether bricks'] = '6',
	['red nether brick slab'] = '6',
	['red nether brick stairs'] = '6',
	['red nether brick wall'] = '6',
	['red sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['sandstone double slab'] = '6',
	['sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['smooth quartz block'] = '6',
	['smooth quartz slab'] = '6',
	['smooth quartz stairs'] = '6',
	['smooth red sandstone'] = '6',
	['smooth red sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['smooth red sandstone stairs'] = '6',
	['smooth sandstone'] = '6',
	['smooth sandstone slab'] = '6',
	['smooth sandstone stairs'] = '6',
	['smooth stone'] = '6',
	['smooth stone slab'] = '6',
	['stone'] = '6',
	['stone bricks'] = '6',
	['stone brick slab'] = '6',
	['stone brick stairs'] = '6',
	['stone brick wall'] = '6',
	['stone double slab'] = '6',
	['stone slab'] = '6',
	['stone stairs'] = '6',
	['stone wall'] = '6',
	['taterstone'] = '6',
	['taterstone slab'] = '6',
	['taterstone stairs'] = '6',
	['taterstone wall'] = '6',
	['tuff'] = '6',
	['tuff bricks'] = '6',
	['tuff brick slab'] = '6',
	['tuff brick stairs'] = '6',
	['tuff brick wall'] = '6',
	['tuff slab'] = '6',
	['tuff stairs'] = '6',
	['tuff wall'] = '6',
	['bell'] = '5',
	['iron door'] = '5',
	['iron trapdoor'] = '5',
	['monster spawner'] = '5',

	['hopper'] = '4.8',

	['basalt'] = '4.2',
	['colored terracotta'] = '4.2',
	['dyed terracotta'] = '4.2',
	['hardened clay'] = '4.2',
	['polished basalt'] = '4.2',
	['smooth basalt'] = '4.2',
	['stained clay'] = '4.2',
	['stained terracotta'] = '4.2',
	['terracotta'] = '4.2',

	['cobweb'] = '4',

	['blast furnace'] = '3.5',
	['crafter'] = '3.5',
	['dispenser'] = '3.5',
	['dropper'] = '3.5',
	['furnace'] = '3.5',
	['lantern'] = '3.5',
	['lodestone'] = '3.5',
	['poisonous potato cutter'] = '3.5',
	['potato refinery'] = '3.5',
	['smoker'] = '3.5',
	['soul lantern'] = '3.5',
	['stonecutter'] = '3.5',
	['vicious potato'] = '3.5',

	['bamboo mosaic'] = '3',
	['bamboo mosaic stairs'] = '3',
	['bamboo mosaic slab'] = '3',
	['beacon'] = '3',
	['big brain'] = '3',
	['block of lapis lazuli'] = '3',
	['coal ore'] = '3',
	['cocoa beans'] = '3',
	['conduit'] = '3',
	['copper door'] = '3',
	['copper trapdoor'] = '3',
	['copper ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate coal ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate copper ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate diamond ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate emerald ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate gold ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate iron ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate poisonous potato ore'] = '3',
	['deepslate redstone ore'] = '3',
	['diamond ore'] = '3',
	['emerald ore'] = '3',
	['fence gate'] = '3',
	['gold ore'] = '3',
	['iron ore'] = '3',
	['lab table'] = '3',
	['lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
	['mud brick slab'] = '3',
	['mud brick stairs'] = '3',
	['mud brick wall'] = '3',
	['mud bricks'] = '3',
	['nether gold ore'] = '3',
	['nether quartz ore'] = '3',
	['observer'] = '3',
	['packed mud'] = '3',
	['pickaxe block'] = '3',
	['place block'] = '3',
	['planks'] = '3',
	['pointed dripstone'] = '3',
	['poisonous potato ore'] = '3',
	['potato battery'] = '3',
	['potato bud'] = '3',
	['potato door'] = '3',
	['potato fence'] = '3',
	['potato fence gate'] = '3',
	['potato planks'] = '3',
	['potato slab'] = '3',
	['potato stairs'] = '3',
	['potato trapdoor'] = '3',
	['potone copper ore'] = '3',
	['potone diamond ore'] = '3',
	['potone gold ore'] = '3',
	['potone iron ore'] = '3',
	['potone lapis lazuli ore'] = '3',
	['potone redstone ore'] = '3',
	['redstone ore'] = '3',
	['sculk catalyst'] = '3',
	['sculk shrieker'] = '3',
	['wooden door'] = '3',
	['wooden fence'] = '3',
	['wooden slab'] = '3',
	['wooden stairs'] = '3',
	['wooden trapdoor'] = '3',

	['blue ice'] = '2.8',

	['barrel'] = '2.5',
	['cartography table'] = '2.5',
	['chest'] = '2.5',
	['crafting table'] = '2.5',
	['dried kelp block'] = '2.5',
	['fletching table'] = '2.5',
	['golden chest'] = '2.5',
	['lectern'] = '2.5',
	['loom'] = '2.5',
	['smithing table'] = '2.5',
	['trapped chest'] = '2.5',

	['bark'] = '2',
	['block of bamboo'] = '2',
	['block of stripped bamboo'] = '2',
	['bone block'] = '2',
	['campfire'] = '2',
	['cauldron'] = '2',
	['colored shulker box'] = '2',
	['compound creator'] = '2',
	['copper sink'] = '2',
	['dyed shulker box'] = '2',
	['frying table'] = '2',
	['hyphae'] = '2',
	['log'] = '2',
	['log/stem'] = '2',
	['block of potato peels'] = '2',
	['potato stem'] = '2',
	['shulker box'] = '2',
	['soul campfire'] = '2',
	['stem'] = '2',
	['stripped hyphae'] = '2',
	['stripped log'] = '2',
	['stripped log/stem'] = '2',
	['stripped log/stripped stem'] = '2',
	['stripped stem'] = '2',
	['stripped wood'] = '2',
	['stripped wood/hyphae'] = '2',
	['stripped wood/stripped hyphae'] = '2',
	['wood'] = '2',
	['wood/hyphae'] = '2',

	['concrete'] = '1.8',
	['cursor'] = '1.8',
	['compressed poisonous potato block'] = '1.8',

	['amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
	['amethyst cluster'] = '1.5',
	['block of amethyst'] = '1.5',
	['bookshelf'] = '1.5',
	['box of infinite books'] = '1.5',
	['budding amethyst'] = '1.5',
	['calibrated sculk sensor'] = '1.5',
	['chiseled bookshelf'] = '1.5',
	['large amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
	['medium amethyst bud'] = '1.5',
	['sculk sensor'] = '1.5',
	['small amethyst bud'] = '1.5',

	['glazed terracotta'] = '1.4',

	['bamboo'] = '1',
	['banner'] = '1',
	['illager banner'] = '1',
	['ominous banner'] = '1',
	['carved pumpkin'] ='1',
	['creeper head'] = '1',
	['dragon head'] = '1',
	['dripstone block'] = '1',
	['expired baked potato bricks'] = '1',
	['expired baked potato brick slab'] = '1',
	['expired baked potato brick stairs'] = '1',
	['expired baked potato brick wall'] = '1',
	['hanging sign'] = '1',
	['head'] = '1',
	["jack o'lantern"] = '1',
	['melon'] = '1',
	['mob head'] = '1',
	['nether wart block'] = '1',
	['piglin head'] = '1',
	['player head'] = '1',
	['potato fruit'] = '1',
	['potato hanging sign'] = '1',
	['potato sign'] = '1',
	['poisonous potato head block'] = '1',
	['poisonous potato headpiece'] = '1',
	['pumpkin'] = '1',
	['resin ore'] = '1',
	['shroomlight'] = '1',
	['sign'] = '1',
	['skeleton skull'] = '1',
	['warped wart block'] = '1',
	['wart block'] = '1',
	['wither skeleton skull'] = '1',
	['zombie head'] = '1',

	['block of quartz'] = '0.8',
	['chiseled quartz block'] = '0.8',
	['chiseled red sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['chiseled sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['cut red sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['cut sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['note block'] = '0.8',
	['pillar quartz block'] = '0.8',
	['quartz bricks'] = '0.8',
	['quartz pillar'] = '0.8',
	['quartz stairs'] = '0.8',
	['red sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['red sandstone stairs'] = '0.8',
	['red sandstone wall'] = '0.8',
	['sandstone'] = '0.8',
	['sandstone stairs'] = '0.8',
	['sandstone wall'] = '0.8',
	['wool'] = '0.8',

	['calcite'] = '0.75',
	['infested block'] = '0.75',
	['infested stone'] = '0.75',
	['infested cobblestone'] = '0.75',
	['infested stone bricks'] = '0.75',
	['infested mossy stone bricks'] = '0.75',
	['infested chiseled stone bricks'] = '0.75',
	['infested cracked stone bricks'] = '0.75',
	['infested deepslate'] = '0.75',

	['activator rail'] = '0.7',
	['detector rail'] = '0.7',
	['mangrove roots'] = '0.7',
	['muddy mangrove roots'] = '0.7',
	['powered rail'] = '0.7',
	['rail'] = '0.7',

	['dirt path'] = '0.65',
	['poison path'] = '0.65',

	['beehive'] = '0.6',
	['clay'] = '0.6',
	['composter'] = '0.6',
	['corrupted peelgrass block'] = '0.6',
	['farmland'] = '0.6',
	['grass block'] = '0.6',
	['gravel'] = '0.6',
	['gravtater'] = '0.6',
	['honeycomb block'] = '0.6',
	['mycelium'] = '0.6',
	['peelgrass block'] = '0.6',
	['poison farmland'] = '0.6',
	['sponge'] = '0.6',
	['wet sponge'] = '0.6',

	['brewing stand'] = '0.5',
	['button'] = '0.5',
	['cake'] = '0.5',
	['coarse dirt'] = '0.5',
	['concrete powder'] = '0.5',
	['dirt'] = '0.5',
	['floatater'] = '0.5',
	['frosted ice'] = '0.5',
	['hay bale'] = '0.5',
	['heavy weighted pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['ice'] = '0.5',
	['lever'] = '0.5',
	['light weighted pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['magma block'] = '0.5',
	['mud'] = '0.5',
	['packed ice'] = '0.5',
	['piston'] = '0.5',
	['piston head'] = '0.5',
	['podzol'] = '0.5',
	['polished blackstone button'] = '0.5',
	['polished blackstone pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['potato button'] = '0.5',
	['potato pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['red sand'] = '0.5',
	['rooted dirt'] = '0.5',
	['sand'] = '0.5',
	['sniffer egg'] = '0.5',
	['soul sand'] = '0.5',
	['soul soil'] = '0.5',
	['sticky piston'] = '0.5',
	['stone button'] = '0.5',
	['stone pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['target'] = '0.5',
	['terre de pomme'] = '0.5',
	['turtle egg'] = '0.5',
	['wooden button'] = '0.5',
	['wooden pressure plate'] = '0.5',
	['cactus'] = '0.4',
	['chorus flower'] = '0.4',
	['chorus plant'] = '0.4',
	['crimson nylium'] = '0.4',
	['ladder'] = '0.4',
	['netherrack'] = '0.4',
	['nylium'] = '0.4',
	['powerful potato'] = '0.4',
	['strong roots'] = '0.4',
	['warped nylium'] = '0.4',
	['weak roots'] = '0.4',

	['bee nest'] = '0.3',
	['copper spleaves'] = '0.3',
	['floatato'] = '0.3',
	['froglight'] = '0.3',
	['ochre froglight'] = '0.3',
	['pearlescent froglight'] = '0.3',
	['verdant froglight'] = '0.3',
	['glass'] = '0.3',
	['glass pane'] = '0.3',
	['glowstone'] = '0.3',
	['redstone lamp'] = '0.3',
	['sea lantern'] = '0.3',
	['stained glass'] = '0.3',
	['stained glass pane'] = '0.3',
	['tinted glass'] = '0.3',
	['how did we get here? (block)'] = '0.25',
	['powder snow'] = '0.25',
	['suspicious block'] = '0.25',
	['suspicious gravel'] = '0.25',
	['suspicious sand'] = '0.25',

	['bed'] = '0.2',
	['daylight detector'] = '0.2',
	['glow lichen'] = '0.2',
	['grass carried'] = '0.2',
	['leaves'] = '0.2',
	['leaves carried'] = '0.2',
	['mushroom block'] = '0.2',
	['poisonous potato block'] = '0.2',
	['potato leaves'] = '0.2',
	['potato pedicule'] = '0.2',
	['sculk'] = '0.2',
	['sculk vein'] = '0.2',
	['snow block'] = '0.2',
	['vines'] = '0.2',

	['big dripleaf'] = '0.1',
	['big dripleaf stem'] = '0.1',
	['candle'] = '0.1',
	['cheese'] = '0.1',
	['colored candle'] = '0.1',
	['dyed candle'] = '0.1',
	['carpet'] = '0.1',
	['moss block'] = '0.1',
	['moss carpet'] = '0.1',
	['poisonous mashed potato'] = '0.1',
	['snow'] = '0.1',

	['air'] = '0',
	['allium'] = '0',
	['azalea'] = '0',
	['azure bluet'] = '0',
	['beetroot seeds'] = '0',
	['beetroot'] = '0',
	['blue orchid'] = '0',
	['camera block'] = '0',
	['carrot'] = '0',
	['cave vines body'] = '0',
	['cave vines head'] = '0',
	['cave vines'] = '0',
	['colored torch'] = '0',
	['cornflower'] = '0',
	['coral fan'] = '0',
	['coral'] = '0',
	['crimson roots'] = '0',
	['dead coral fan'] = '0',
	['dead coral'] = '0',
	['dandelion'] = '0',
	['dead bush'] = '0',
	['decorated pot'] = '0',
	['element'] = '0',
	['end rod'] = '0',
	['etho slab'] = '0',
	['fire'] = '0',
	['flower pot'] = '0',
	['flower'] = '0',
	['flowering azalea'] = '0',
	['frogspawn'] = '0',
	['fungus'] = '0',
	['funky portal'] = '0',
	['glow berries'] = '0',
	['fern'] = '0',
	['grass'] = '0',
	['short grass'] = '0',
	['green shrub'] = '0',
	['hanging roots'] = '0',
	['honey block'] = '0',
	['info update'] = '0',
	['info update2'] = '0',
	['kelp'] = '0',
	['large fern'] = '0',
	['lava spawner'] = '0',
	['lilac'] = '0',
	['lily of the valley'] = '0',
	['lily pad'] = '0',
	['locked chest'] = '0',
	['mangrove propagule'] = '0',
	['melon seeds'] = '0',
	['melon stem'] = '0',
	['moving piston'] = '0',
	['mushroom'] = '0',
	['nether sprouts'] = '0',
	['nether wart'] = '0',
	['orange tulip'] = '0',
	['other portal'] = '0',
	['oxeye daisy'] = '0',
	['packed air'] = '0',
	['peony'] = '0',
	['pink petals'] = '0',
	['pink tulip'] = '0',
	['pitcher plant'] = '0',
	['pitcher pod'] = '0',
	['poppy'] = '0',
	['portal'] = '0',
	['potato'] = '0',
	['potatoes'] = '0',
	['potato flower'] = '0',
	['potato sprouts'] = '0',
	['pumpkin seeds'] = '0',
	['pumpkin stem'] = '0',
	['red tulip'] = '0',
	['redstone comparator'] = '0',
	['redstone dust'] = '0',
	['redstone repeater'] = '0',
	['redstone torch'] = '0',
	['redstone'] = '0',
	['reserved6'] = '0',
	['roots'] = '0',
	['rose bush'] = '0',
	['sapling'] = '0',
	['scaffolding'] = '0',
	['sea pickle'] = '0',
	['seagrass'] = '0',
	['shrub'] = '0',
	['slime block'] = '0',
	['small dripleaf'] = '0',
	['soul fire'] = '0',
	['soul torch'] = '0',
	['spore blossom'] = '0',
	['string'] = '0',
	['structure void'] = '0',
	['sugar cane'] = '0',
	['sunflower'] = '0',
	['sweet berries'] = '0',
	['sweet berry bush'] = '0',
	['tall grass'] = '0',
	['technical blocks'] = '0',
	['tnt'] = '0',
	['torch'] = '0',
	['torch (burnt-out)'] = '0',
	['torchflower seeds'] = '0',
	['torchflower'] = '0',
	['tripwire hook'] = '0',
	['tulip'] = '0',
	['twisting vines'] = '0',
	['underwater torch'] = '0',
	['underwater tnt'] = '0',
	['unknown'] = '0',
	['warped roots'] = '0',
	['water spawner'] = '0',
	['weeping vines'] = '0',
	['wheat seeds'] = '0',
	['wheat'] = '0',
	['white tulip'] = '0',
	['wither rose'] = '0',
	['nether portal'] = '-1',
	['potato portal'] = '-1',