Scorchful:Temperature System
This page describes the temperature and environment related mechanics of overheating. Scorchful's temperature system was created using Thermoo, which you can find out more about here:
Scorchful expands on the freezing temperature system in Frostiful with warm temperatures and overheating. Frostiful is itself an expansion of Powder Snow freezing; so internally temperature in Scorchful is very similar to Powder Snow. It uses an integer point system where 0
is the minimum temperature and 6,300
is the maximum. The value 6,300
was chosen as it is a suitably high multiple of 140
- the vanilla maximum freezing ticks value for Powder Snow. With Frostiful installed, the minimum can be decreased (providing for freezing/hypothermia).
There are essentially two ways of getting warm in Scorchful: passive heating from the environment, and active heating from combat activities like fire and fire charges. Passive heating is primarily sourced from the Sun in the Overworld, and from Block Light and the Lava Ocean in The Nether.
As you get hotter, you will face negative effects such as slowness, mining fatigue, hunger, and eventually overheating damage.
To counteract heat, you need to cool off. Cooling can come from a few sources, but the primary source is from wetness. Standing out in the rain, swimming in water, or splashing yourself with a splash potion are all ways you can directly get wet.
Another way to get wet is by sweating. When you drink water, you gain the ability to lose that water to sweat. This allows you to carry water to places it cannot normally be placed, like The Nether.
Temperature Display on HUD
Your body temperature is displayed as a burning heart overlay on your health bar. When you reach the maximum body temperature, the hearts become engulfed, similar to frozen hearts (engulfed hearts do not currently work with health bar rework mods like Colourful Hearts).

Wetness Display on HUD
Your wetness is also displayed on the HUD, as a checkerboard behind your hearts. Wetness is also displayed by drips of water falling off the player's body, with more drips meaning the player is wetter.

Overworld Climate Zones
In the Overworld, passive heating primarily comes from the Sun. During the day, when the player is exposed to the Sun in a warm biome, they will slowly gain heat over time. This heat is increased in Scorching biomes.
Some biomes are warmer than others. Scorchful sorts biomes into three temperature climate zones, in increasing order of average temperature: Temperate, Warm, and Scorching.
Climate | Default Biomes List |
Temperate | Plains, Sunflower Plains, Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Old Growth Bird Forest, Dark Forest, Pale Garden, Beach, Ocean, Deep Ocean, Stony Peaks, Beach |
Warm | Jungle, Bamboo Jungle, Sparse Jungle, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna, Mushroom Fields, Warm Ocean, Swamp, Mangrove Swamp |
Scorching | Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands |
Scorchful also uses humidity as a core mechanic that can affect both the ambient temperature and the effectiveness of sweating. Similar to temperature, Scorchful also has several climate zones for humidity, in increasing order of average relative humidity: Arid, Rainy, and Cave. If a biome does is not in an extremely humidity climate, it will have a comfortable relative humidity of 50%
. If it is raining, relative humidity will be increased to 95%
, however this only applies where it is actually raining - cloudy and snowy biomes will not be affected by this.
Climate | Dry/Wet Season Relative Humidity | Default Biomes List |
Arid | 10% / 50% | Desert, Badlands, Wooded Badlands, Eroded Badlands, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna |
Rainy | 65% / 95% | Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Jungle, Bamboo Jungle, Sparse Jungle, Beach |
Cave | 95% (constant) | Lush Caves, Dripstone Caves |
If you want to know the ambient temperature change at a particular location, you can use the command /thermoo environment relativehumidity <pos>
Overworld Biome Temperature
The temperature of each overworld biome can vary by day and throughout the year if a seasons mod is installed. The temperature of each biome is used to determine how quickly a player will overheat. Humidity can also affect how cold biomes get at night, with dry biomes (relative humidity below 35%) getting much colder than humid ones. With Frostiful, these dry biomes can even get cold enough to cause freezing!
In all warm areas during the day, shaded areas will have a temperature of 20°C.
Temperature Climate (Humid Climate) | Spring Day/Night/ Temperature (default) | Summer Day/Night Temperature | Autumn Day/Night Temperature | Winter Day/Night Temperature |
Temperate (Comfortable, Rainy) | Unset | 30°C / 20°C | Unset | Unset |
Temperate (Arid) | Unset | 30°C / 0°C | Unset | Unset |
Warm (Comfortable, Rainy) | 30°C / 20°C | 40°C / 20°C | 30°C / 20°C | 20°C / 20°C |
Warm (Arid) | 30°C / 0°C | 40°C / 10°C | 30°C / 0°C | 20°C / -10°C |
Scorching (Comfortable, Rainy) | 40°C / 20°C | 50°C / 20°C | 40°C / 20°C | 30°C / 20°C |
Scorching (Arid) | 40°C / 10°C | 50°C / 20°C | 40°C / 10°C | 30°C / 0°C |
Note: Some biomes may be able to shift between Arid and Comfortable climates depending on the current tropical season. Exactly when this happens depends on your seasons mod; Serene and Fabric Seasons have a Summer Dry Season, and Simple Seasons has a Summer Wet Season.
Unset temperatures will default to 20°C, unless overridden by another mod like Frostiful.
If you want to know the ambient temperature change at a particular location, you can use the command /thermoo environment temperature <pos>
The Nether
In The Nether, due to the lack of Sun, the passive heating system is a little different: heat is instead sourced from the Lava Ocean and artificial light.
Being close to the Lava Ocean increases the temperature up to 50°C (122°F), with the temperature decreasing by 1.5 C° (2.7 F°) per block you travel above the ocean's surface.
Block light can also increase temperature in The Nether. Areas with a block light at or above 13 will have their local temperature increased by 10 C° (18 F°), allowing for a maximum possible temperature in The Nether of 60°C (140°F).
Conversion to Entity Exposure
When the temperature is at or above 30°C (86°F), entities will begin to face increased exposure each tick, increasing in intensity for every 10 C° (18 F°) that the temperature increases.
Temperature Range (°C) | Temperature Point Change per Tick |
Below 30°C | 0 |
30°C (inclusive) to 40°C (exclusive) | +1 |
40°C (inclusive) to 50°C (exclusive) | +2 |
50°C (inclusive) to 60°C (exclusive) | +3 |
60°C (inclusive) to 70°C (exclusive) | +4 |
Cooling in Scorchful is primarily based around wetness: when an entity is wet, it will cool off.
Swimming in water, standing out in the rain, being hit with a Splash Potion, and stepping on a crimson lily are all ways you can increase your wetness. Wetness also works on a similar point scale to temperature, with a minimum of 0
and a maximum of 600
Swimming in water and standing in rain both increase wetness by 1 point per tick. Going underwater or being soaked by a crimson lily fully soaks the player by immediately setting their wetness to the full amount (600
). Being hit by a Splash Potion increase it by half of the maximum (300
When wetness is not increased, then wetness will instead decrease by 1 point per tick. Being on fire will also quickly dry an entity.
When you are both warm and wet, then the water will take 6 points of heat from you each tick. This amount is decreased to just 2 points per tick when the humidity is above 65%, and further decreased to just 1 point per tick when the humidity is above 80%. However, it can also be doubled to 12 points per tick when the humidity is below 20%. This simulates the effect of high wet bulb temperatures.
If the player is wearing armor enchanted with [Rehydration](./Rehydration), then some of the water lost to cooling in this way will be recycled as thirst.
An alternative to swimming, you can also drink water and sweat as a means of getting wet. You can get water from some foods, and also from potions, water skins, and cactus juice.
Internally, by water is also sorted on a point system from 0
to 600
. However, when sweating, for every point of body water consumed, 2
points are added to wetness. Body water is not consumed unless the player has a temperature greater than 0
Different foods and drinks provide different amounts of water. Datapacks can configure how much water a food or drink item provides with the item tags `scorchful:is_refreshing`, `scorchful:is_sustaining`, and `scorchful:is_hydrating`. By default these items provide 60, 120, and 300 body water points respectively. You can find the full list of entries for these tags on the Config Wiki.
Temperature Effects
As an entity gets hotter, it will face an increasing number of negative effects.
Temperature Scale | Effect | Entity Types affected |
50% and over | Weakness I | Player only |
75% and over | Mining Fatigue I, Hunger I | Player only |
99% and over | Weakness II, Hunger II | Player only |
99% and over | 1 point overheating damage per second | All non-immune entities |
99% and over | Heat Stroke | Player only when they do not have Fire Resistance. |
50% to 75% | One heartbeat sound effect every 66 ticks (~3 seconds) | Player only |
75% to 90% | One heartbeat sound effect every 22 ticks (~1 second) | Player only |
90% to 99% | One heartbeat sound effect every 11 ticks (~0.5 seconds) | Player only |
99% and over | One heartbeat sound effect every 6 ticks (~0.25 seconds) | Player only |
0% and over | Extra speed (scales with temperature) | Striders only |
99% and over | Regeneration III | Striders only |
25% and over | Pant sound and cooling (panting sound gets faster with temperature) | Wolves and Dogs |
Most armors reduce your ability to stay cool, some improve that ability, and some have no effect. Wearing armor by itself does not make you warmer, but instead increases the amount of heat you receive anytime you do get warmer. By default, ALL armors are assumed to provide a negative heat resistance penalty. They must be explicitly be given a heat resistance component for this to not be the case.
The protectiveness of armor is determined by the attributes Heat Resistance and Environment Heat Resistance. These attributes can be gained from Netherite armor and Turtle armor. Leather armor, Iron armor, Diamond armor all decrease these attributes. You can find the full list with attribute values on the Config Wiki.
For an explanation of how Heat Resistance and Environment Heat Resistance work internally, see the Thermoo Wiki.
Other Heat and Cooling Sources
- Fire: Being on fire adds 24 heat per tick without Fire Resistance, and 6 heat per tick with Fire Resistance.
- Fire Charges: Fire charges (e.g. from Blazes and Ghasts) instantly add 1000 heat when they damage you.
- Being In Lava: Being submerged in lava adds heat, separately from being on fire.
- Powder Snow: Powder Snow removes 24 heat per tick when your temperature is above 0. If Frostiful is not installed, this will also prevent Freezing Ticks from being applied until your temperature reaches 0.
- Standing on ice: Standing on ice removes 12 heat per tick, but only when the player is warm.
- Rehydration: The Rehydration Enchantment is an armor enchantment that can recycle water lost to cooling in order to provide even more cooling.
- Being out of lava (Striders only): When a Strider is not in lava, it will rapidly cool down.
- Eating cold food: Eating cold foods from other mods (like ice cream, icicles, etc) can provide some immediate relief. This feature is controlled by the item tag
and is only meant for mod integration.